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Joined 5 February 2016
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8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

thank you!
what a bummer, how much longer have they said?

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

my husband just reminded me that PD actually put crushed rock down themselves, we didnt have do to it.

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

We weren't asked to do this! what a waste of money on your part. Did you ask why this is a requirement? I'd def ask for more information as to…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

its structural from the original house plan, so the fees apply regardless. sorry someone has probably answered this alrready

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

I think for us it took two weeks to get our final letter of start before anything actually started. Dw its coming!!

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

Yes do it post! i remember getting prices for the units through PD that were crazy. Like 15k
We paid about $2300 for the firebox and privisions to be installed. So…

We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS
  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

horray!! so happy for you.. you can now move on from this delay and start your new home :)
make sure you invest in a third party…

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Just wait till you actually build and mistakes are still made..:(. we had several issues where things were not completed to plan.
We found it very frustrating…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

new homes is fab, we used them. Colin was very good

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

ummm a few weeks i think. we got transferred to construction then had to wait till we got a call from the slab guy.. more waiting

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8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

they use the bin and dont physically stand their ,dig a hole and burry it lol i suppose when they buried our water line ( which was visable) once the…

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8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

i actually thought those square set windows weren't meant to have the archs on. Finished more with a square set.
I know our larger upgraded ones as big as this didnt…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Not that i can answer your question but our block is flat, and my husband has been digging and trying to break down the clay in our soil since we…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

did you start in July???

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

we had no issues! i would be interested seeing the window as well :)

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

That sucks! we did our floors post but luckily had no issues.
I cant imagine a window/arch touching the ground to begin with, what would PD have put their in replace?…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Its usually a really easy thing to get once council approval is granted so it hopefully shouldn't be too far away for you. Better late than never right? YESS…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

timing of me logging in haha Congrats finally!
If that was council approval, then the permit takes a couple of days to issue from memory.
not sure what the BC would be…

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8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

how are you going with this? still no council approval ? :(

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Banks usually wont provide you with 100% finance, there is normally something required from your side.
depending on their capability you might be able to get a bank guarantee to pay…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yeah i guess its not if u have to stay with their selections. I thought u meant 13k already plus extra to upgrade. Thats like real timber floor prices…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

oh yes!!
wow thats amazing you were able to this late in the process. Its a huge decision so im glad you will be able to decide.
The texture of the displays…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

Yes they did, they have to issue you the 'cert of occupancy' before your final bank cheque is paid .so if they didn't they wouldn't of got paid and we…

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8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yes the name rings a bell :) sure we have spoken.. horray for a start.
Depending which stage you are at i suppose, sounds like your at…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

That's actually funny you ask becasue all of our skirting is the same, we just laid our skirts over floorboards only. And I cant be 100% but im pretty sure…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

sorry i meant after the permit, then the 6 weeks min for council approval, as i assume these are two different thing. Soo frustrating, esp given you were onto it…

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

this suck to read this!! i really hope you get a good outcome soon, as i can only imagine what kind of issues this council is capable of if they…

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8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

we could 100% agree with this statement!!!! we would never recommend them either

8 years8 yearslizbf85lizbf85 posted:
Porter Davis homes

The price we got for our unit was defiantly the best, however the deliver of the unit itself and then installation by slack installers really let them down. We were…

  ⋅  1

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