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44 Posts
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44PostsMost Active Topics


Bris Vegas
Joined 7 July 2006
Junior Member
16 years16 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Free standing oven 90cm

We've got a Blanco, with matching rangehood and it does the job. We paid $2800 for both...
I thought Blanco was the best looking one aside from the ILIVE (which…

17 years17 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Kitchen Dilemma

Hi there, I'm hoping for some opinions and avice regarding the kitchen which we will be getting in the next 4 - 5 weeks.
We have decided on gloss…

17 years17 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Dodgy Building Inspection??

It's not hard to tell the asbestos walls in our house apart from the masonite walls... the asbestos walls have a slight textured pattern to them, are nailed in with…

17 years17 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Dodgy Building Inspection??

I wonder if anyone has actually incurred any of these fines as yet. That's even scarier if you ask me....

17 years17 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Dodgy Building Inspection??

I wish I'd known and done that at the time. Now that we've done so much renovating, I'm pretty sure that in future, we'll check the construction of the…

17 years17 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Dodgy Building Inspection??

Hi Mel,
Sorry to hear that I'm not alone.
Yes, I have had some progress in the situation. As advised, I contacted the BSA who after a lenghty time organised for…

17 years17 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Finishing the top of tiles

Go to your local tool shop and buy what's often called a Leaf and Square Ornamental tool (Google it). It has a pointy end and a square end, and…

17 years17 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Frameless shower screen prices..

At first it's hard to comprehend, but look around and check out comparable products and prices. You will find that you get what you pay for.
The frameless shower we…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
How big is your place?

Ha, good one!!
Our place is about 150m², with a 195m² roof (lots of overhang - someone actually thought this place out back in the 50's!). In the back yard…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Help with paint question

Personally, I've had no problems with any of the cheaper paints. We recently painted our lounge room using British Paints and it turned out a treat. Not only…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Fencing Costs

Personally, I don't like the look of Colorbond fences, much preferring a tasteful paling fence.
We erected our front fence (21 metres of it), which is 1.8 metres high…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
While Designing your Garage……

Michelle, I wouldn't be too grumpy about the ex driving an X5 - they're just the new accessory required in order to keep up with the Jones'. Just think…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
total redo of an old apartment - advice on best sequence

Asbestos depends largely on where you are.
In Brisbane, for instance, you need to be licensed to remove more than 10m² of asbestos.
We were quoted $4500 to have 3…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
inspiration needed for facade makeover. photo included

If that is a terracotta roof, then I am of the opinion that you should get it cleaned and repointed. Terracotta is far too good to throw away just…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Would you conceal decking screws? If so, how?

Thanks guys. I've now seen what the stainless screws look like and they don't actually look so bad, but they do need to be lined up well in order…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Would you conceal decking screws? If so, how?

We're about to start building a 35m² deck on the front of our house and I'm after some opinions. I've done some research and have decided to use stainless…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
grout cleaning

I'm sure I noticed that Bunnings has a grout cleaning machine you can hire??
I'd imagine they'd be pretty good - the same crap that is (mostly) cleaned from…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Finance options for renovations

We bought our house (in Brisbane) in January 2006 at a good price and had the power to 'top up' our existing loan by $40,000 no problems after 12 months.

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
mass reno

Renovate the place in order of personal preference.
Just remember - Old is not necessarily crap. And paint covers a lot. And cleaning also does a lot…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Builders not completing tasks after settlement

Don't let your builder get away with it. Stamp your feet, do everything you can.
We bought a spec home at the beginning of 2005. After about 4 months,…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Tiles or pavers for alfresco

Absolutely go the tiles!!!

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
A bit of advice for all…..

Interesting! Thanks Michelle.
I was told to choose the colour I wanted for my internal walls, and get it 1/4 strength. I wish I had now :-)

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
House Plans

Council should hold onto the plans for 10 years. After that, I'm pretty sure they are discarded. Shouldn't be a problem to get them from Council - check…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:

Most new Terracotta roofing is glazed or semi glazed....

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Renovation advice for a real greenhorn

Fair enough. Personally, I don't have huge concerns about asbestos in the home, except I do worry that disposal is going to become even more expensive than it already…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Renovation advice for a real greenhorn

What's the cladding on the house? Have you thought about replacing it with hardiplanks?

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
New roof - Tie Downs?!!!

Thanks heaps for that. You're very informative. Much appreciated.

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
New roof - Tie Downs?!!!

Far out, that sounds full on.
Is it easily done yourself, or is that really something one should get a carpenter to do?
ARGH this is so frustrating!!
P.S. Thanks for…

18 years18 yearsLotteLotte posted:
Online skip hire

I'll second that. Very handy. Cheap. Looks like a skip broker, basically.

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