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67 Posts
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Joined 16 October 2007
Loyal Member
16 years16 yearslouielouie posted:
Soil Tests Back - Slab Confusion

H class soil is the next step up from M.
You'll be right, plenty of houses get built on H class soil, just means a bit of extra movement than a…

16 years16 yearslouielouie posted:
!!!BEWARE!!!!Business name removed - BEWARE

Insulation Rebates STARTED 1st July didnt they?

16 years16 yearslouielouie posted:
Supposed to be settling tomorrow...but tenant wont vacate!

And you would find yourself promptly arrested by the police

16 years16 yearslouielouie posted:
Problem Next door----Help Please

I dont understand. Are you saying he removed a tree that was planted in his yard and re-planted it in your yard??
I guess "thanks" is in order?

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Should I complain to Building Commission or not?

It was H class, and the same for the Slab.
That may explain the cracking if the slab isnt right.

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Should I complain to Building Commission or not?

Do you know what classification the soil test came back with?

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Door to Door Car Transport ? Melbourne to Tasmania

Groan .. feeling sea sick.
Anyway you cant sit in your car when the spirit is sailing, not allowed anywhere near it

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Aaaargh, our neighbour stole our Letter Box!!!!!

Is this sort of like turning up at a party wearing the same dress as the other woman or something ?

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
What would you do?

Is that right? Is it in the agents code or something

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
DIY disasters

Yeah leave us alone.
You see, we get all excited about the thought of the new reno job and how pleased the missus will be. And if we do a…

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Sleeping out for a land release has anyone done it?

So when is the nudie run?

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
poor brick work.. PLEASE HELP!!! WE HAVE RESULTS!!! THANKS!

Good grief, did they just leave it to a 1st year apprentice or something??
Terrible, terrible job.
Hope you havent paid them?

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Rendering the exterior of my new home

Yeah its damn expensive. I want to render my own house as well.
I reckon if you get two pieces of blueboard and practice rendering on that you can see…

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Slabs?? Should they crumble?

This doesnt look like rain damage, it looks like something went wrong at the concrete company when they mixed the stuff - like forgot the cement or something!
As you probably…

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Sleeping out for a land release has anyone done it?

good stuff, I love it.
Make sure to take some photos so you can look back over the years and show the kids what you had to do to get a…

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Dodgy roof frame?

yes, note to self - dont buy a WA house

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
How high will interest rates go?

Well if they keep increasing it at only .25% every 3 months then it is going to take a year just for a 1 percent rise.
Back in the 90's they…

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
And You Think Your Builders Bad

Shades of Puberty Blues

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
And You Think Your Builders Bad

OK, so what happened? How did they get out?
Maybe they were removable posts??

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
im not happy

Lets have them then :)

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
stumps or slab?

Isnt it standard practice to bolt the bottom plates to the slab now? Dont tell me some builders still nail gun it?

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Suitability of Land - Does "Fill" cause any proble

Why did the developers fill the land? Couldnt they have just left it with the natural slope?
Also you just need to see an engineer who will take a core…

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Suitability of Land - Does "Fill" cause any proble

If it is fill then it will be classed as "p".
P is sites which include soft soils such as soft clay, or silt or loose sands and fill.

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
garage on boundary

So you dont need to bother being neighbourly with "just renters"?

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Can you name that housing advert?

I saw an advert on the TV a few weeks back where a young couple had obviously just moved into their newly built house and were having a house warming…

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Base for concreting on

cheers guys.
I might give the cracker dust a go then :)

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Base for concreting on

I am preparing an area to concrete but was wondering what material would anyone recommend to put down for the base. Is it rock metal or something else?

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
vent (s)

Something must be seriously structurally wrong if they say to knock the house down!

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
A website on building cost indication

Yeah I'd love to get a
PLUMBER... $50/hour

17 years17 yearslouielouie posted:
Bricks not the same? Comments please.

yeah they're a match. piece of mind I guess?

Joined homeone
16 October 2007

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