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Joined 18 December 2012
Silver Member
7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
CAT6 Wiring cost "per point"

Builder prices for data points seem to be $130 - $150, give or take. I recently moved out of my Porter Davis built home, where we paid them thousands for…

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis HoneyWell automation

I don't have a lot to add about the Honeywell product, so can't help there but I would be very reluctant to let Argus install anything this complicated for me.…

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Ceiling Speaker Recommendations

I used Jamo IC series units and loved them.

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Running cables in ceiling

The minute you included "power" on that list, everybody backed away from your question rapidly. Get a sparky out.

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Missing manual on fixing dripping taps (v1.02)

Great find, thanks for sharing it.

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Actron Ducted Air Conditioning

The unit itself might cost $6k, but that doesn't cover ductwork, vents, electrical, zone controllers, control panels, gas, wiring, etc, nor does it include an installation warranty. Buying something like…

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Actron Ducted Air Conditioning

Yes, you can buy a split system for $6k installed but it doesn't solve the same problem, nor does it work anywhere near as well. Take my old house for…

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Actron Ducted Air Conditioning

We have five zones - master bedroom, living room, kitchen / dining room, other bedrooms, office, with two return air vents. We can't run them all at once, the house…

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
How often do you visit your site?

When we built I would visit the site twice a week minimum, with at least one visit occurring at a random, unexpected time for the builders. During construction this approach…

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Soundproofing question

Replacing those doors with proper solid-core units that seal well around the edges is an absolute must - our last place had fantastic insulation and soundproofing but was let down…

7 years7 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Actron Ducted Air Conditioning

Just to add my personal experiences to this discussion, we recently had a 19kW Actron Que installed, covering five zones. While we haven't experienced summer with it yet, I have…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

I feel your frustration - ours was pretty much the same. I spotted it by pure luck, but have since heard of it happening to a few people. It's not…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

Is anybody else dealing with warranty problems (trouble getting things done, rather than things breaking) long after handover? We got our keys in September, yet I'm still attempting to get…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Airconditioning suppliers (Melbourne, south-eastern suburbs)

I went with Temperature Plus in the end - they did a brilliant job, were very good in terms of price, and most importantly delivered a solution that stood up…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yes, I was able to get copies of mine from my BC. Not common practice for them though.

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

If you can afford it, do it. All of them
We upgraded all of ours to double glazing for a little over $5K (we are in a Drysdale, so your costs…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

That's funny, it sounds like the cleaning crews are quite different from house to house. Our place was filthy after handover, so we spent two days cleaning. Our move was…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

Mostly cosmetic issues now, the big electrical and heating stuff was fixed a couple of months ago. One structural item has cropped up though, and some of these cosmetic items…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

I'm battling through the three-month warranty checkup process at the moment, with a lengthy list of defects (most of which are leftovers from my less-than-ideal build experience).
We are currently debating…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Building the Drysdale 30

Looking good!

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Heh, not a thing. You won't get to see anything until tender day, and even then expect things to be missing.

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

Same here. Don't attend tender without the full set of documents or you will spend the next six months of your life arguing with your builder. You can't safely sign…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Home theatre seats

Yes, too small for two levels.

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Mine is spectacular, I couldn't go without one now.

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

The L64 isn't listed on the Brivis spec sheet, but then again neither are the airflow figures. Still, the L65 is their second largest model so it will probably push…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

I'm not qualified to recommend a specific solution, but here's my building experience on this topic...
The evap unit proposed by PD seemed quite a lot smaller than I expected so…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Island Bench Length/Depth

We had a 300mm overhang in our last house and found it uncomfortable, thus the upgrade.
Ours has no visible supports, so doesn't suffer from any of the visual concerns you…

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

Very similar to that, yes.

11 years11 yearsLurgenLurgen posted:
Porter Davis homes

I'm sorry but it turns out I was mistaken. There is brickwork exposed in either side of my access door. I'm at work so I can't attach an image but…

Joined homeone
18 December 2012

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