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Joined 27 February 2012
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11 years11 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Hi Ma2531
We do notice you change the front elavation, the balustrade ILO brickwork makes the house looks much nicer
Do you also increase the proch opening @ front and side ?

11 years11 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

hi tlb, I wish I knew how to post them on here but I don't,
we keep everything minimal, the only extras we did:
6 down lights down stairs. three in kitchen…

11 years11 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

hi scott2233.
its works just great. as we have been in our house for the first real summer, we had a week of 40+ days, in this hole summer period we…

11 years11 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Porter davis are great in that respect, if you just ask your site super, or when are at colour have a word with them and they will try a accommodate…

11 years11 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

hi guys just updated blog for those intrested

11 years11 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

hi tlbhayward, did you know that porter davis will allow you to put your own handles on your cabinets. you just have to let them know at selections.

11 years11 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

hi guys, have not been on here for ages, quick question has anyone had any problem with their floor tiles.
Our are the Majestic ivory porcelain 600 x600.
seems like the waxing…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Hi tstr1a. We did it ourselfs. My partner always wanted a pool and that's why we put the large window in the family room when we built the house so…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

hi guys just updated blog its been six months but we finally have internet.

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hi havnt been on for a while but now we finally have internet! just updated blog for those intrested

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

now thats the kitchen i wanted also..............how beautiful is it.. but i guess we had to compremise.

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

i must say to anyone building with Porter Davis there AFTER service has been FANTASTIC.
They called us before the 3 month inspection date and got things that were needed to…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hi guys im back on this forum after a while..............
ok need some feedback, has anyone built a pool with SEASPRAY POOLS...........(or are intending too.) let me know and i tell…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

hi madhouse, well after yesterdays heat i can say we have hebel walls and did not put on the evaporative cooling until 5pm, and it was fantastic....... worth every cent…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Hi guys,
well I must say that you ever need something done or are cornered about your build private message Helen from this forum on porter Davis and how good…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hi helen, dont know if you get to read this post, wondering if you could please message us as we now have been in our home for a month and…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

hi tstr1a, how did the concrete come up, it wasnt a bad day yesterday, so hopefully it all came up looking good. ours got sealed yesterday, and today we did…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hi monkeypants congts, the home looks so nice.
also updated blog for those intrested.

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hi j&c, i dont know if this helps but we stained all wood, door frames,front doors,garage door, windows and they all came much the same. the only ones that are…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

at long last, handover tommorow, i think its going to be a sleepless nite!

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

hi madhouse, am really looking forward to reading ur blog. i love what you have done with master wardrobes, and upstairs linen press. i think its going to look great.

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

thats great news monkeypantz, will be thinking of you next wednesday.....

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

we have handover on thursady!

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hi we got yours from the big picture people in taylors lakes.. got a great deal on a theater package.guy in there was really helpful.
our s/s is providing us with…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hi taugurg,
when is ur handover booked for, why did u get invoice?

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hi monkeypantz,
we made a list before we went on monday for PCI, and sort of was a bit prepared, cause when you get there you get a bit excited and…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

got some good news to share with you guys, handover is in 7 days.
Also updated blog but sorry no pics.......

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hi monkeypantz,
yeah i did not know either, but he was so patient with us. reason being the gas pipe needs to be installed, i called the gas compnay today…

12 years12 yearsma2531ma2531 posted:
Porter Davis homes

hey monkeypantz, where you been, iv been awaiting ur blog update cos i am getting excitied for both of us.
I would really love to know whom ur s/s is as…

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27 February 2012

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