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45 Posts
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45PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 12 April 2010
Junior Member
2 years2 yearsManicManic posted:
Cracks in our home after demolition next door

They all seem to be rendered over like this. It’s a hebel build.
We are getting a dilapidation report however they are coming out tomorrow after the demolition has finished…

2 years2 yearsManicManic posted:
Cracks in our home after demolition next door

Hi, we have a 20 ton excavator that is demolishing the house next door. There are HEAPS of vibrations especially when they sift the soil with dirt and this…

4 years4 yearsManicManic posted:
Landscaping around new house

Hi, we’re just finishing our build and the build site is like any new build with debris crushed rock and paint/plaster run off in the dirt.
Do landscapers normally just…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsManicManic posted:
Wobbly tap and difficult access to nut

Hi, I have a wobbly tap and I can’t get to the nut that I need to tighten. The tap has a hose and the nut is attached to the…

5 years5 yearsManicManic posted:
Water pressure valve

Awesome thanks. Got a pressure gauge and put it on the front tap. Watched the pressure increase as I turned the restrictor screw :) Happy days!

5 years5 yearsManicManic posted:
Water pressure valve

Hi all, we built recently and I’ve found our water pressure is faaar less than our neighbours. The pressure is low even at the front tap.
I’ve located what looks…

6 years6 yearsManicManic posted:
Scaffold through bracing pic - is this normal?

I’m just glad it’s not my build but one down my street!

6 years6 yearsManicManic posted:
Scaffold through bracing pic - is this normal?

And the finished product with the wrap to go straight over it. To me this looks like a less expensive way to put up scaffolds straight on the first floor…

Scaffold through bracing pic - is this normal?
6 years6 yearsManicManic posted:
Scaffold through bracing pic - is this normal?

So no structural issues with holes in the bracing?
Even though it will still be done the same way, should it still be done the same way?
Just doesn’t look right to…

6 years6 yearsManicManic posted:
Scaffold through bracing pic - is this normal?

Noticed this on the build and it just didn’t look right. Is it normal to break bracing so scaffolding can go through it?

Scaffold through bracing pic - is this normal?
8 years8 yearsManicManic posted:
Who's building with Carter Grange in Melbourne?

Make sure you get an independent inspector for your build and dont give in on findings!

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8 years8 yearsManicManic posted:
Gradient of underground stormwater pipes

Yes...the B... plumber is certainly living up to their initials! And yes, C as well.
It's really disappointing to see a plumber that can't make water slope in the correct…

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

At engineering you can increase the strength of the trusses to accomodate more load that can be used for storage. They do this for the ducted heating unit but would…

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9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
Who's building with Carter Grange in Melbourne?

Hi Michael, I am not planning on doing a blog if that's what you're asking. Happy to share my experiences on the build however. In terms of upgrades, the main…

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
Building inspectors Melbourne

Definitely go for Kevin from New Home Inspections. We've used another one but Kevin was far superior in that he deals with the builder on your behalf instead of having…

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
Who's building with Carter Grange in Melbourne?

Hi Watermelon,
We're nearly there. I know what you mean but 'trying' to build with them. We were near contract stage and simply couldn't get answers on basic important questions…

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
Gradient of underground stormwater pipes

Thanks for your help. I'm meeting the builder this week and will let you know how it goes. One things for sure, we're not completing and the builder isn't getting…

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
Gradient of underground stormwater pipes

Thanks Stewie and SaveH20.
The drainage plan states that the legal point of discharge is 1100mm beneath the surface in an underground stormwater mains that is accessible by a pit on…

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
Gradient of underground stormwater pipes

Thank you Bashworth.
There are no soakpits that are used. I am very confident that the pipes have been laid incorrectly. We're near the final inspection and I don't want…

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
Gradient of underground stormwater pipes

Hi all,
We're currently building and I've got an issue where stormwater pipes have the incorrect gradient. Despite having sufficient fall to an underground main outlet pit, it looks like the…

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
IP CCTV system recommendations

Thanks for the information, this is really useful.
I'm looking at this Hikvision camera (http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product ... 44958.html)
It doesn't support firmware upgrade which is nearly twice as…

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
HIA Contract for new home

Great point, thanks! Apart from payment, I'm hoping all actions should be on the builder once we demolish and they start building so hopefully we shouldn't delay anything.

9 years9 yearsManicManic posted:
HIA Contract for new home

We're at contract stage and are considering whether it's worth paying for a 'professional' contract review to make sure we are covered contractually.
Our builder is using a standard HIA…

10 years10 yearsManicManic posted:
Awning window in shower

I think this is the key difference. The standard states that the wall has to be waterproofed up to 1800mm. A highlight window should meet this requirement if it's above…

10 years10 yearsManicManic posted:
Awning window in shower

Agree. I'm following up via other contacts at the building company and the window company that provides their windows.

10 years10 yearsManicManic posted:
Awning window in shower

I'm based in Melbourne.

10 years10 yearsManicManic posted:
Awning window in shower

So this means we have to either run a fan for hours wasting electricity or have a mouldy shower which can cause health issues? Surely this can't be right. I'm…

10 years10 yearsManicManic posted:
Awning window in shower

I've been advised as of recently, showers can't have awning windows in them due to some new plumbing requirement that protects water from going in between the walls. This doesn't…

10 years10 yearsManicManic posted:
Who's building with Carter Grange in Melbourne?

We liked the look of their displays. The initial engagement was very average. I thought the design stage was quite good for a custom home. The selections was very hit…

10 years10 yearsManicManic posted:
Cost of custom vs volume builder

Fully move in: things Im including are upgraded benchtops, electrical, hardwood floors, joinery, heating/cooling, facade, all painting, tiling, staircase, doors, windows .
Things im not including are: paving, curtains/blinds, landscaping, furnishing,…

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