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454 Posts
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454PostsMost Active Topics


Perth WA
Joined 11 February 2011
Gold Member
13 years13 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
high ceiling in kitchen - need more light

I need some "cheap" "temporary" ideas for lighting in my kitchen. The ceilings are high and there is only one "normal" light fitting from the ceiling. Has anyone…

13 years13 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
building inspector and pest inspection Perth

Well instead of building hubby and I put in an offer for a home yesterday and it was accepted! There are sooo many house inspectors and pest inspectors on…

13 years13 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Home made artwork?? Anyone tried it??

Thanks Dollar.... I am soooo looking forward to my next abstract art full day course to learn some new techniques. I had to stop myself from doing more paintings…

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Home made artwork?? Anyone tried it??

My latest efforts.....

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14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
awesome website for different interior decorations.....

thats what I thought when I saw it! LOL ::lol:: ::hyst::

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Polished Concrete - Glenmore Park NSW

so jealous! I will have to wait at least 12 months now..... oh well, I can stare at yours for awhile!

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Home made artwork?? Anyone tried it??

looks great! well done :: :: ::

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
cooking system... dipped into house funds!......

absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!!

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Would you like to be consulted when......... (Poll included)

Whoever is involved in your build, time will be a factor... as most of them say "if I had to contact everyone before doing something you wouldn't get a house…

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Home made artwork?? Anyone tried it??

I am sooo excited... I did a one day intensive art course yesterday and this is what I did....

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14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Invasion by tiny ants !!!

baby powder is great... use it and ants don't come back!
just sprinkle in the pathway, leave it for a few days/week..... they don't come back

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
decision made....

Thanks for all of your kind words.... today feeling totally at ease with the decision!
Will sit back now and research and save money! Told Mum and Dad…

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
decision made....

not build yet!!! It is kinda :( but also :z: as we think we are rushing into things!…

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
removing OH&S markings from sliding doors

I have seen 2 people do it..... my brother has done it twice and had to have numerous stitches in his knee and head. Another friend ran through the…

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Is this window acceptable? Builder admits defeat.

awesome news! Love HOMEONE!

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Is this an acceptable fix?

I would be stomping up and down..... couldn't handle something that, you paid for to be all nice and new and to get that... ARGHHHH

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Is this an acceptable fix?

I certainly would not be happy with that no matter where it was! IMO

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Polished Concrete - Glenmore Park NSW

:z: :z: :z: :z: :z: can't…

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
MOLASSES Suppliers

okay have to ask... me not a gardener! LOL
what do you use molasses for in gardening?

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Home made artwork?? Anyone tried it??

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Here is my latest artwork.... sorry a little bit blurry....
I am going to a art 1 day workshop next week... can't wait to learn some new techniques!

Home made artwork?? Anyone tried it??
14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Gogo's build- outdoor update 99% done

If there is a solution to it, I would do it!..... I remember also you should keep the toilet seat down otherwise you flush money down the drain!

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Gogo's build- outdoor update 99% done

I thought seeing the back door from the front door was "bad" feng shui... meaning money goes in the front and straight out the back... someone correct me if I…

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Use of Structural Insulated Panels

SIP's is not made of concrete.... have look at their site sipsindustries.com.au

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:

wow wow and double wowwwww so awesome... bookmarked!

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Polished Concrete - Glenmore Park NSW

thought I might have been jumping the gun! LOL.... waiting in anticipation! ::lol:: ::lol:: ::lol::

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
What are our chances?

Congrats on your conditional approval....
over the next few weeks we have to apply as well.... so have all our fingers and toes crossed!

14 years14 yearsmapcallamapcalla posted:
Polished Concrete - Glenmore Park NSW

anymore photos of polished concrete????? pretty please!

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