Application for relocation/removal of Western Power assets
That's normally how it works and was in our case. The developer has guidelines to place utilities and services at certain positions on the block. Sometimes it is legislation which…

Application for relocation/removal of Western Power assets
for the princely sum of $500 WC provide a cast iron traffic lid and surround that gets put over the hydrant space and then you lay your driveway around it.…

Application for relocation/removal of Western Power assets
If it is anything like trying to get a hydrant moved out of the driveway by Water Corp, expect it to cost a pretty penny. First they have to letterbox…

Our 101 Residential build - Queens Park - Settled in
My goodness, yesterday was so hot, hats off to them for getting it all done. Our builder won't let us do anything until key handover, such a pain.
Looking good…

Trixee's Passive Solar Build Perth
Waiting waiting. This has been so long coming, I think we are all in the cheering corner with you.

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
We have this here in our rental (the house we owned before selling and renting back). We installed this ourselves. We had skirting already in the house, so the floors…

Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!
Oh Mal, sounds like Red Ink have got big boots. You've seen our dramas and you've seen how HGWA have at times, tried to come on here and argue the…

Nellie & Chris's HGWA build - PCI 19TH MARCH!
That's what they bank on.

Nellie & Chris's HGWA build - PCI 19TH MARCH!
I'll commiserate with you, HGWA are letting quite a few of us down at the moment. I've learnt to not believe anything they say and just roll with it. That…

custom home group WA home - more pics!!
Your bathrooms are massive Auds!!! Love the way they have turned out. Some serious wet room envy here!

Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!
Okay so I missed Chris's response but it sounds like it was bad. Malsannie, I hope they come the goods for you. I know how disheartening it is to be…

Bel and Joes HGWA Build.
Apparently ... our QCI is meant to happen next week some time too. Our paving was finished yesterday, painter is due back in tomorrow to finish his list. Then they…

Kelly & Troy's Home Group Bordeaux
Oh Belzey, it all looks so good! Love your frangipani in the front garden!
I've been looking at those Kirby desks, I really like them. Hubby wants to do built in…

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
Looking awesome Kelsey .... hey, have you had a chance to try your shower door and see if you have the same problem as me??

Scullery Layout help
How are you planning on using the space Archetto?? I like the idea of having an appliance space off to one side ... are you just putting a bench in…

Redink SOR First time builders-The end has arrived!
Too funny Melsie, way too funny!

First time building
I'm another saying that you should check them out and make sure you have 20months to put your life on hold and lose your savings in extra rent and costs.…

First home build with HGWA in Mandurah
Variations are a $500 sting, not sure at what stage they start charging for that, we did one after final plans had been drawn and got whacked. My advice is…

Building on zero lot boundary and neighbour's fence
^^ Yep.
We have this, albeit only about 50cm of fencing as we have a brick wall abutting the boundary, onto the limestone retaining. Now that the exterior is finished we…

The Things We Insist On, Tell Me
Perfect size for you by the sounds of it. Not sure if it is the first time you have built or is your first property, but if it is, it's…

The Things We Insist On, Tell Me
+ 1 ..... such a small thing and it's free.
Apart from my hallways comment, my other must haves were:
1. Big bedrooms (check!)
2. Big alfresco (seeing as we live in ours…

Kelly & Troy's Home Group Bordeaux
I've spent today doing that too. I can't believe I have so much tupperware! I'm on uni prac in 10 days time, be shift working for four weeks ... I…

The Things We Insist On, Tell Me
No hallways. They are inevitable but when we started this process 90% of home plans had long hallways down to bedrooms 2,3 & 4. They end up dark, they are…

J & M's HGWA build
Ahhh the plant ... I ended up planting ours in the garden here in our rental. In the 15 months it's been there, it has never grown and always looked…

Bel and Joes HGWA Build.
I reckon ripping up pavers will be down the bottom of his list once you move in!! And then there is the cuts - part of the reason we are…

Summit build in the South West - THE dining table!!
Oh Rache, you've had your bad luck now .. onwards and upwards. I agree with Melsie, the tiler is hopefully doing a superb job and you will be forever grateful…

First Home - Build w Redink! KEYS!!! Post Handover Updates
Jeepers at this rate you're going to get keys before me!!!! Slightly jelly about that but your home is beautiful and your selections are perfect together. Fingers crossed there's not…