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Joined 24 February 2019
Junior Member
1 month1 monthMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Landscaper to Avoid - Victoria

Ouch, that's a lot of money on the line - I'm assuming that you had a contract between the two of you?
Good luck!

1 month1 monthMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
How do I edit and delete photos

What version of the iPad are you using? I'm assuming that you are using the built-in browser with no extra plugins?

2 months2 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Sourcing cheaper priced paint?

Hi, if you can find someone who works as a painter and has their own business then you may be able to get them to get you trade prices -…

3 months3 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Advice please!

Hi, it's usually better to tile after the concrete work is done.
Concreting first will usually provide an even surface for everything moving forward i.e., no unexpected bumps or height differences…

3 months3 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Deleting threads/posts! HELP

Don't forget that Google and Bing as well as the internet archive may well cache your posts as well...

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Colorbond roof can you extend its life?

Depends on how often it rains :) I would still water blast the roof at least every six months

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Separating fence

Hi, it comes down to a few things - Durability, looks and cost.
Generally, iron fences are more durable due to the fact they are resistant to pests and rotting but…

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:

That's the one, it's similar just dig the trench and the line the trench with some geotextile fabric and layer with some coarse aggregate. Place a perforated pipe on top…

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
JG King Home builders delay in construction

So, did they give you a reason? Weather? Slab not poured??

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Bulge in my fibroglass pool

Hi Ardy, when you reply to a message, click on the "Full Editor" button under the main text box and you can upload photos from there.

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Bulge in my fibroglass pool

Hi Ardy,
That's a bit rough as your pool obviously should not have the bulge at all - Are you able to upload photos at all?

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Colorbond roof can you extend its life?

Painting your colorbond roof with a rust inhibitor can definitely help extend its life and prevent rust. It is worth the cost in the long term as it may be…

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Bulge in my fibroglass pool

Hi Ardy, that's a concern :( It can be one of many things, unfortunately..
First off, was the shell of the pool ok when it originally arrived?…

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Motion sensor for stair wall lighting

I'm curious, did they provide any reason why they did not like the idea?

4 months4 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Every Day is a school day - Dilapidation reports

Nice work, $1800 well spent :)

  ⋅  1
5 months5 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Loud popping ceiling, creaking and vibration

Ain't that the truth! We used to have a tile roof and had it replaced with colorbond and suddenly everything throughout the entire house sounds louder!

5 months5 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Greetings from Chicago, US

Welcome :) You have come to the right place!

5 months5 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Suggestion for my living room interior

Are you asking for suggestions about what to change?

5 months5 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Are pavers good for driveways?

Hi, I have had them in the past and the pros are:
Versatile, i.e many different colours and styles to choose from
Can be easy to maintain e.g. if one breaks, pop…

5 months5 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Cladding crack

Honestly, I would spend the money if for nothing else, peace of mind :)

5 months5 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Does fibre glass pool add to the site cost

I'm not saying that the extra 5k is justified but what about the extra $$ for approvals etc? I'm thinking that the builder is adding in an extra buffer to…

5 months5 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Recommendations for best value decking oil for pine decking?

Hi, as per the subject. Does anyone have any recommendations for the best value decking oil (Bunning is close to where I live) for a treated pine deck?

5 months5 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
What is the best material to use under paving stones on a dr

Hi, I'm assuming you mean "under paving stones on a driveway?"
Usually, a combination of crushed rock or gravel and coarse sand works well.
For a base layer add in around 10…

7 months7 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Daniela Appliances

Not personally but they seem to be reviewed ok via https://www.productreview.com.au/listin ... appliances

7 months7 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Tax expense

While I'm not a tax expert, from what I have learnt there are some expenses during the house-building process in Australia which may be claimed. Generally speaking, costs…

7 months7 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
New development overlooks into my yard

Plant some bamboo along the fenceline :D

7 months7 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Cut metal with a mitre saw?

I have seen similar on Gumtree as well - My personal favourite is when the item is around market price but shipping is crazy expensive :-(

7 months7 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Cut metal with a mitre saw?

What I have noticed, especially on eBay is that some people are selling products at a massive markup and much more expensive than retail shops. It's like the seller is…

10 months10 monthsMarkusjOZMarkusjOZ posted:
Deck joist, bearer and posts

Seconded; we just used these last weekend to build a small deck. They worked perfectly as we have bluestone in the area where we wanted to build so digging down…

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