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Joined 22 April 2013
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1 year1 yearMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Slab on Slab for Bathroom Renovation - To Bind or not to bin

Hi All
Im laying a new slab on top of the old slab in the picture below, I have chipped away the tiles and the mortar from the area needing the…

Slab on Slab for Bathroom Renovation - To Bind or not to bin
2 years2 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Knocking Down Walls - Sanity Checking my amateur Floor plan

Thanks for your reply, I do like your suggestion and yes mine is much more expensive, the two rooms are 3m wide each, made up of the 3.9m and 2.1m…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Knocking Down Walls - Sanity Checking my amateur Floor plan

Hi All
I'm in the middle of getting quotes to have walls removed
I thought I should probably spend some more time and ask more opinions on my proposed floor plan and…

8 years8 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Install question on flat roof verandah ---

Wouldnt you be better of mounting onto the trusses through the top of the roof, Gives you more space and means you can put any drainage back onto your roof…

9 years9 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Plant Suggestions please - Picture of my Home

Looking for plants to plant infront of the three large windows and something in the corner under the 3 tiered windows
Or something else if anyone has some ideas

Plant Suggestions please -  Picture of my Home
11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Hey Mate, we are neighbors i believe, i just sent you a private message

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Can't find it

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Have I missed something I thought that the outlook is good for all 70 houses built this year. Has something changed?

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

I hope they have a dictionary handy :)

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Hi how do i measure what my sqaure meterage of the house is?

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Did she say majority not all!!!!

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Yep I had the same experience. If anyone had different experience would love to hear it

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

In my contract it says the owner is responsible for retaining wall costs, i Also contacted them asking about it and i was told i would have to pay
Would be…

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
eden grange

Hi, it isnt clear its meant ot be in the next 2 months
Check out the other discussion going, there are 20+ of us on the forum from eden grange just…

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Hey Guys
Can I get your opinion on something
Im considering totally moving the kitchen as the center living room is a little bit of a waste of space
Also making the study…

Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?
11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

I believe color-bond fencing comes in around $70 a meter give or take
You can add up the meters around your house and divide it by 2 as you should be…

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Hi Shellstar
have a look at this person layout

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Would anyone know if you can build your garage out to the fenceline (just the garage)
Shellstar i am looking to do something similiar to yourself, after visiting the sheffield 25…

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Hey Guys
i visited the display home which is the same as my house on the weekend
It was the first time i had been through the larger version of the Sheffield…

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Cheers scuba that's some good advice.
What's the negatives for having two separate loans as I was keen to lock the land in fixed as I can see…

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Hi Guys please fill out the form i made to get a fencing indication and preferences
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1phgKHp ... Y/viewform

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Hi All
Is anyone else looking to fix their loan on the land
I know for the construction loan it will have to be a Variable draw down facility so i will…

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Who do you contact to see if they are submitting your plans

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

I wondered the same thing as I have not been contacted to be told my plans have been submitted.

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Does your plan show that you have a vent in your backyard?
No im just guessing its in my block not 100% sure

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Im confused both Iadele and caityadele say they were building on lot 25 now they are saying they are both on lot 24.
Can someone check their contract :)

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Sorry sent that from my phone,
I believe the vents will be in the backyards of people on Sandringham st like me im on lot 26.
The worst thing for me…

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

If you look at the plan in your contract there is a rainwater easement running along the back fence.

11 years11 yearsMarsh86Marsh86 posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Do you know the location of the Schofield Woolworths would like to check out how close it is

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22 April 2013

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