5 months5 monthsMattms posted:
IMSU homes
IMSU homes
Has anyone build with IMSU..? Please shade your experience.. Much appreciated
5 months5 monthsMattms posted:
Lot size and Floor space ratio question
Lot size and Floor space ratio question
It's unfortunate that many salespeople even client often overlook this detail. Nowadays, many land estates impose additional restrictions, such as allowing only 40% of the plot land to be used…
5 months5 monthsMattms posted:
Eagle Homes
Eagle Homes
Anyone care to share their latest experience with Eagle Homes..? Would love to hear their latest feedback and concern and advice? Thank you
5 months5 monthsMattms posted:
Is a building inspector worth it during construction?
Is a building inspector worth it during construction?
Montu, did you manage to find the inspector. Cheers mate
6 months6 monthsMattms posted:
Knock Down Rebuild : Site survey - own or via builder?
Knock Down Rebuild : Site survey - own or via builder?
Anyone knows which builders in NSW that uses Fair Trading contract...?
Joined homeone
9 July 2021