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38 Posts
Junior Member

38PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 19 July 2021
Junior Member
2 years2 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Any Experience with Arden homes

We've actually just built with Orbit Homes.
Have had a great experience, happy to answer any questions.

2 years2 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Any Experience with Arden homes

A couple of my neighbours are building with Arden. One poor neighbour is onto their 6th site supervisor (they haven't reached lock up yet), and each time a supervisor leaves,…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
KDR - When to start getting landscaping quotes?

I contacted a few landscapers once we hit lock up stage. Some gave me a very rough idea of cost based on what I had said we were after. All…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Does laminex get coloured on site?

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The end panels and back of the carcasses (on the island bench) are currently white. Will a coloured sheet or something be placed over these?

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Does laminex get coloured on site?

Our cabinetry went in last week and we went past to have a look today. We chose dark coloured laminex for cabinetry throughout the house, however the carcasses that have…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:

Yep, we're at a standstill waiting for doors.

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
HIA Contract COVID Clause

Only you can determine that really. We walked away from our first builder after paying the initial deposit because it was a bad gut feeling. Losing the few thousand dollars…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Access to neighbouring property - building on boundary (or n

They did the whole lot without removing the fence. Nobody approached us about anything, so had no idea that wasn't the norm until I saw how awful the bricks looked…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Access to neighbouring property - building on boundary (or n

We were in a similar situation in our current house. The builder next door didn't remove the fence, or approach us or anything. I came home from work one day,…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
First home owner and stamp duty

A house and land package is when you bundle the land and the build together for a fixed price.
You need to pay stamp duty on settlement of the land, so…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Facade Help

I like option 4 too and I also like the white roof. I agree with changing the garage door though. The white door washes things out and the timber door…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
How will this pipe sit inside the wall?

I don't think it's a drain pipe. The external wall it's against is where the outdoor tap will be, and the internal wall next to it will have a shower…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
How will this pipe sit inside the wall?

Trying to explain this as best as I can, and I apologise for the stupid question!
Our frame has just gone up and there's a pipe in a bedroom that aligns…

How will this pipe sit inside the wall?
3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
First Home Buyer - Is this a sensible floorplan?

Will there be any back yard? Or will that alfresco be almost on the back fence line?
When you go to sell, a 4 bedroom home would attract families, and having…

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3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Eaves on a Small block?

I don't think you can have eaves that big? We had to have gutter on brickwork in some places as we were told the minimum gap between the fence and…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
should we sign a new lease?

We're also in Victoria. I had a read online and it looked to me like they can vacate you for no particular reason, as long as they give 60 days…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
should we sign a new lease?

Our rental lease is due to end in three months, around the time our build start date is set for. We've been tenants here for 6 years.
I'm cautious and think…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Blinds and Curtains inclusion with Builder or not

We did shutters on windows and blinds with sheers on sliding doors through the builder. The price was slightly higher than doing it ourselves after handover, but I didn't want…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Is this a reasonable amount to pay?

This is what I'm worried about.
We were told we couldn't get LMI on the land or build, and were fine with that as we had the 80%. We weren't told…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Is this a reasonable amount to pay?

Pretty much. Not sure how that's going to affect the valuation either.

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Is this a reasonable amount to pay?

Thanks for the reply!
Being that it's a small house on a small block, most of the other houses of comparative size in this area were built as investment properties, and…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Is this a reasonable amount to pay?

Been seeing a lot of posts where people are having their bank valuations come back at a lot less than their build price, which has me worried. We've never built…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Is there a way I can still have shutters?

We're having the study at the front of the house, and they're the long length facade awning windows. I was planning to put shutters on these windows as I like…

Is there a way I can still have shutters?
3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Gutter on brickwork cost

That is really high. We're paying $200 per metre.

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Custom Floorplan comments and review

For two people working from home, I think the study is too small. I would be inclined to lose the sitting/living room - make it bed 3 instead. Then your…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Alfresco open on 3 sides?

Excuse my drawing!! There's no room for the alfresco to go anywhere else on the block.
Was thinking we could get someone to build a privacy screen type thing, probably…

Alfresco open on 3 sides?
3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Alfresco open on 3 sides?

All the house plans I've looked at that feature an alfresco area seem to have it so that the alfresco connects with the house on two sides, and has two…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Initial Deposit Dispute

You've only paid $2k. And they're offering you half of that back. This seems like a lot of jumping up and down over $1000.

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3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Building Cost in Melbourne

We spoke with all the builders that had display homes anywhere near us. From memory that included: Metricon, henley. Simmonds, porter Davis, Sherridon, Dennis family, nostra, gj Gardner, escape, boutique,…

3 years3 yearsmcbksmcbks posted:
Tiling questions

Probably just white subway. We're not having floor to ceiling tiles, so will just be in the shower and around the top of the bath.

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19 July 2021

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