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375 Posts
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Joined 3 February 2009
Gold Member
7 years7 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Where to fit curtain rod?

Downstairs rod is a double track system with heavier curtains and has four braces all above the arch’s and it looks much nicer.

Where to fit curtain rod?
7 years7 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Where to fit curtain rod?

New bedrooms curtains are lovely in Warwick Mushroom but why would he attach the brackets to the architrave? Why would he not measure to fit them above?

11 years11 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
3AW's Big House & Double Glazed Windows.

Hi I wanted to ask you, I have VANTAGE double glazed windows throughout my house.
Can you please explain why
1. The low E glass used on my 4 panel sliding stacker…

12 years12 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Which brand of Saucepans should I get??

I have an Ilve Induction.
I have two Le Creuset Cassaroles which I use and are great. My first purchase was a box of Induction Circulon. It is not…

12 years12 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:

Yes Ambient sell them now for $30, that is an excellent price.
Try their other range of candles and diffusers called CIRCA.
Mango and Papaya is absolutely DIVINE.
My favourite candle at the…

12 years12 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
SHOW ME YOUR LIGHTS!....Pwease.lol

http://www.jamesrmoder.com/catalog.php? ... ers_id=105
I have the large sun sphere in the stairwell.

12 years12 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Little Gems full of flowers

Hi, I have 23 Little Gems from which I am trying to create a screen hedge for the backyard boundary.
I need height and denser foliage. It's winter in Melb and…

12 years12 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Left with uneven alfresco slab for new house

Went to mediation at VCAT, builder wanted his last 5%, we held it back because some things weren't finished and defects not fixed. We had to hire a lawyer &…

12 years12 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Left with uneven alfresco slab for new house

Still here with the same problem.
VCAT mediation in Feb now. I doubt that anything will change, we owe him money but with our report and defects he owes us more…

12 years12 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Left with uneven alfresco slab for new house

Called the tiler, actually three. One came with his laser to measure because he noticed a hump in the middle of the slab.
22.5m2 alfresco slab, worst spots are 25mm too…

12 years12 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Wrong Tile Glue on marble tiles

This is what happens when the tiler uses the wrong glue. He did not consult supplier.
As you can see the tiles have no glue on them at all
Davco ultraflex did…

Wrong Tile Glue on marble tiles
13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Can't find Pier Caps 1 1/2x2 bricks

Yeah, caps for brick fence piers. FOUND THEM
THE brick is rendered and I have wrought iron in between so a paver will not do
http://www.dpam.com.au/online-store-buy ... aps-online

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Can't find Pier Caps 1 1/2x2 bricks

Can anyone tell me who makes CUSTOM brick pier caps. I'm in Melbourne and suppliers here can't help me out with what I need.
Our builders brickies made our piers 1…

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Drainage and water tank head of water

Thank-you so much for your advise.
Seeing the builder left in dispute I now have to fix many things that the inspection report found defective.
I live in Melb,…

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Drainage and water tank head of water

We have a wet system i believe. The end of the downpipe underground was cut.
No house is not cut in just sheer wall where rain hits, water got nowhere…

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Drainage and water tank head of water

After not paying the builder his last 5% because he never wanted to finish and fix defects we got an inspection and the report noted that we needed a…

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:

Will that work with Sapphire buffalo, have to keep it quite long. Best to find something to bend it after it is cut.

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Magnolias - which one??

Price has a lot to do with it.
I have 20 little gems that are growing to hedge. The reason I bought them is because they are cheaper and I bought…

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:

Any amateurs into Lawn striping. Has any one got any ideas regarding a home made attachment to your mower to bend the grass over.
I don't really want to invest in…

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Need Help on Occupancy Certificate and dispute with builder

Hi Building expert this is my building experience
Signed 3/2010 supposed to end 9/2010.
We know he started another job 10/2010.
Builder late 3 months, HE LET US MOVE…

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
VCAT - Concrete retaining water

We are applying to VCAT and one of the problems with the house is that our concrete alfresco is not to regulation. Really the cheapest alternative is to rip it…

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Waiting for LED kitchen faucet

It's Aug 2012 at the tap is showing wear. The LED has broken and the mixer handle thread has worn out so it's about to fall out

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Problem with SM - hand over for uncompleted job

Can you keep up posted on what has happened please?

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Unbelievable taste from a Kamodo bbq

OMG, what a fantastic product.
Throw out your gas hot plate grills and bbq's.
I just purchased a Primo Oval XL and it cooks the tastiest food ever.
Juicy snags, steaks, pizza, roasts,…

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
HIA Melbourne Home Show 2012 - 2 for 1 & Half Price Tickets

Thanks homeone. Have already been and bought heaps of stuff. The Primo BBQ is absolutely fantastic.

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Vertical gardens

Verti scape mini vertical garden kit. They were at the flower and garden show Melb.
My other fav product at the moment is Out Deco outdoor screen

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
HIA Melbourne Home Show 2012 - 2 for 1 & Half Price Tickets

Where do you leave personal details?

13 years13 yearsMcKinnonMcKinnon posted:
Is this quote expensive or average for pavers?

http://www.flickr.com/photos/59690559@N ... otostream/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/59690559@N ... otostream/
It needs an experienced tiler/paver to do this job. It will make or break the entrance. The builder…



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