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George's Fair......Finally
Joined 31 July 2010
Gold Member
11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

The marina site is a sand mine and not a recycling centre. The recycling centre for Benedicts is in Chipping Norton.

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

I have not had a complaint......yet. But my wife had a package from council about dog noise. My pup barks, my old girl barks. Dogs bark. It is not incessiant…

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

So any one else get a survey from council about dog noise?

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Congrats a lot has changed

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Yep it is pretty noxious smell. I believe it is actually from the clay for the next development.As it does not appear on weekends when no site works are happening.

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

A lot of people have neglected the tree requirement in the front yard.
Some people like the look of a perfect lawn and nothing else.
Personally I like the benefits…

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

check out the garden section of Home one for plenty of good info on lawns etc.

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Improving soil after lawn is laid

I would apply these after you have aerated the soil to help getting it where it needs to go.

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Congratulations new residents.

  ⋅  1
11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

I am with iiNet on 100/40mbps 100/100GB plan.
no home phone
BoB lite is ok but an Asus RT-N65U really takes advantage of the speed.

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Flipside to this. WH must believe they have done a superb job on your house and your choices of finishings, that they are willing to allow perspective clients through your…

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Dunno just know she lined up for a while

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

My wife's friend has sat in the queue since Thursday night.

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

I was wondering if any one has a number of someone who does excavating. I have a small job for an excavator (big job by hand). Will need to cart…

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

You can buy concrete sleepers hfwangoz.

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Reading all the submissions of opposition and it seems the issue of most concern is access but with the rezoning of the land use surrounding this LOT it just seems…

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Oh looks like I have some "light" reading to do.

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

NBN is NOT an expensive. It is the only option available to any release after Dream release.
I pay 99.95 for 1 TB of Data at 100/40mbps. Price lowers if…

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

On the corner of Travers Steve.

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

I am on Palmer Terrace so up a little higher

11 years11 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Maybebuilding great questions. TBH it would have to be a MAJOR flood event 1-100+ year flood to even come up to the level of Brickmakers drive going on the modelling…

12 years12 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Grass on south facing side

I have Durban grass on the south side of my house.
It does very well on neglect, well mine has. I have never watered it and it just keeps growing

12 years12 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

We are still waiting for our first gas bill.
I have been told it is very common.

12 years12 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Palmer Terrace is where all the cool people live........
I may or may not already live on Palmer HEHEHEHHEHEHEHE
BTW How awesome does the Marina DA look.
Lots of…

12 years12 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

ummmm its a bit Meh and will be more Meh when all you will see is a sea of charcoal tiled roofs

12 years12 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Considering Moorebank is in a flood risk area???
I have posted previous on this. Last year we came close on 3 occasions to the Georges breaking its banks, On one…

12 years12 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

From what I understood it was before the planning dept but because there is no road access to the site it was declined. Liverpool Council had approved access to the…

12 years12 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

It was declined by the NSW planning dept

12 years12 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Council is TOTALLY AGAINST the recycling plant.

12 years12 yearsmecha-wombatmecha-wombat posted:
Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

Well it would suit my Native garden better! Instead of Chinese Elm and Crepe Myrtle.
Have people seen the youtube video for the Aurora Release??



So, Hi guys and girls
Stumble upon this great forum whilst researching about the Land release @ Georges Fair in Moorebank, Sydney.
Now a little about the Wombat
Currently in a Burrow in…


Night time desk Jockey!!


Gaming, looking after the Joey, my 380

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