Ducted gas heating - is this a joke???
Ive found gas to be a little more than i expected..... i have a large braemar ducted system, rheem instant gas hot water and gas stove top......
I log my meters…

Fence payment legality / morality....??
Thanks guys....that's what I thought....
Maybe worse case ill offer him 50.... as a good gesture.....

Fence payment legality / morality....??
hey all...
When we purchased our vacant block, the rear property was already settled and the rear fence was already up....
I ask my conveyancer if i had to pay half for…

Building Rossdale Homes "Houghton" - Adelaide
I agree.... i think the whole suburb is slated in for alot of works, ie waterproofing, paths, road upgrades etc....i guess it will just be a slow process..... no harm…

Ensuit Door - Yes or No
its just the wow factor thing....didnt wanna sound pretentious....

Ensuit Door - Yes or No
We went no door.....
Although, our ensuite toliet is in a seperate part with its own door to trap odours.....
We have a big spa in the ensuite so it needed to…

More smaller rooms VS fewer supersized rooms...??
Bumping for the new wave of home 1ers....

Homestead(SA) - Medsy's Build Pics - Painting Pics 04/04
*new pics*
Wall colour is Dulux Hogs Bristle..... It changes alot varying on light....

Building Rossdale Homes "Houghton" - Adelaide
Heya neighbour...lol
I see your house getting built as i drive past....im just round the corner on Barossa... and yeah, your bricks were slow lol....
But its looking good....
I hope our little…

Design without lounge room, big bedrooms(inc. gym)/theatre
We designed our home for bigness over 2 lounge rooms as well... double rooms are huge....1 for daughter to grow in....1 for a music studio (drums, amps pa etc)
If i…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
Hi guys...
Its good to see everyone progressing...congrats howie on your slab.... weather was ok for it too....not too hot!!!
Well things keep on flying.... bricking was done in 3 weeks...finished last…

Homestead(SA) - Medsy's Build Pics - Painting Pics 04/04
Hi all...
Thought i would come to the party...here are some links for the pics of our build....
Floor plan -
Elevation -
Slab - http://s1013.photobucket.com/albums/af2 ... lans/Slab/

4 Bricks over window - 3 Bricks over S/D...would this irk u?
I dont think it was the brickies fault..... i dont know for sure....
It looks like the door height is slightly wrong.... and the window is too low....they have just bricked…

4 Bricks over window - 3 Bricks over S/D...would this irk u?
Hi all...
Seems our builder has mis-judged a window height and or s/d height(s)....
This is in our umr alfresco area....on our plans, both window height and s/d height should be 2400h....allowing…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
Hi all...
Good to see things are moving.... pics look great.....i would post some up of mine, but cant be bothered with a third party website.... (…

Karndean flooring or other vinyl tile flooring..?
Sorry for the poor forum etiquette.... rehashing a very old post....
As this stuff is becoming more and more mainstream.....anyone care to add further comment...????
We are almost at lockup, so flooring…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
Congrats howie..... dont blink...it goes fast....
We have gutters and fascias up this week.... and most of the elctrical and plumbing work has gone in.... mortar cement and sand delivered.... some…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
i agree..... it was one of the reasons for choosing homestead.....although it has cost a premium in an increased build cost (im assuming), just knowing you can call your SS…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
I have found homestead to be excellent at every point..
We had our wall frames started Fri 4th and they finished the walls oon Monday. Didn't do anything Tuesday so am…

Building in SA!
can someone possibly pm or post Kym's email address from Housewise...??
Not too much info on the net about him/them...

Your Frame - What to Look out for?
May i ask which independent inspector you used...??? im also from Adelaide, nth suburbs...
We have just had slab layed... we didnt use an inspector for the slab.....but will def get…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
Signed off on slab yesterday....(tues 24th nov) and met SS Matt on site..he seemed really cool.... said he should have house done in 21 weeks from slab down + 3…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
Ours was for $15,000 - came in at $300 over for total....slab down so unless they hit rock for service trenches, were home and hosed....!!

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
I cant be certain the pre-soaked the soil or not...at a guess id say no...!!!
But they did have the waterproof membrane down for almost a week, so that should of…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
Slab poured today...!!! mon 16th nov....
Was best weather from last week til end of this week i guess....got to 33 today and 34 tomorrow...then 41!!!!
Now to fork over the cash…

excess soil -- help
If you check out the homesteadsa thread...theres some talk on it about soil removal....
I had 1 pile of about 50 - 55 tonne removed by a guy a mate put…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
My update...
The site works is cruising along now...
Trenches done sat
Piping work done sun
watercourse and mesh done tues...
Im guessing boxing some stage this week...and hoping they pour on monday/tues when it…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
Tiling - It was just the upgrade from the base 20cm x 20cm base range.... we went for bigger 300 x 300 black tiles for all wet areas floor.... went…

Homestead Homes (SA)? Any opinion?
We got some of the following selections....it got very expensive.....
First though, DO NOT get the upgraged toilet... my sister has one and the rectangle square hole where the water…