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36 Posts
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36PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 15 May 2018
Junior Member
4 months4 monthsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Onsite security camera.

Do it. I wish I did it. I lost a hot water system and a pool pump. Both attached and secure. Had to be a builders…

8 months8 monthsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Is a swimming pool worth it?

Sorry, cannot agree with taking the blanket off an on again is a pain. It's a 2 minute job. Hardly a pain. It's like saying it's a…

8 months8 monthsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Should I increase the double shower size from 2.0m x 0.9m?

A question... we have two relatively large showers.
And you think every shower you have will be with another person.
I would rather the toilet be closed. Who wants…

12 months12 monthsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Garage door rules in NSW

Ask the Shire.

12 months12 monthsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Insulation question new build

Unless you insulate your garage door that is where the heat is.
Our triple garage is under the main roof with R6.0 batts there too and it gets hot. Your…

1 year1 yearmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Ceiling insulation batts distance

Found the answer. The recommended distance is ....

1 year1 yearmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Ceiling insulation batts distance

Ho, I want to insulate my shed. The space between the ceiling panels and the tin roof is 180mm. Can the insulation batts be compressed tight between the…

3 years3 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
House with basement

Speaking from decades of experience at my parents home. Know the water table level. Because if you get unseasonal weather (ie lots of rain). The water table…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Fibreglass steps

Hi, we have a fibreglass pool and over the past two years the elderly parents, relatives are keen to "jump in". As most are quite elderly and not too…

3 years3 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Council cost blues by Carlisle

Contact the council yourself....and question it. If it is confirmed well nothing you can do. If wrong threaten builder to go to builders commission.

3 years3 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Solar system question

And seriously look at the company doing the work.
We are in WA and the company that installed air con had been operating for many years and had lots of customer…

3 years3 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Exact Location of Dwelling to be Pegged by Owner

Well our builder was supposed to repeg our property (so that home is in the correct position but never did. He used a reference point on the road as…

3 years3 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Homezone - Perth Midora Bay build

Welcome to our nightmare. Have you found out more. You know its now closed, I believe martyn lost his license. Get pn the * builders Fb site. …

5 years5 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
new build. brocken bricks used throughout internal brickwork

Care to name the builder. Get a building inspector there before its all covered.

5 years5 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Is fence extension legal around the pool?

The other suggestion is to call your shire inspector. They are the ones tgat will sign off on everything. If you do it now as its being done…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Cabinetry not build to plans on architect build

Ok, coming in from a recent new build. After the build we have what they call a handover inspection. Up until you then the property is under the…

6 years6 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Stormwater Easement - How far from pool?

Your pool installer will need to speak to the water authority. That is the only way to get it right. We had similar issues and it…

6 years6 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Boundary fence rules vs Pool fencing requirements

We had a rather similar problem. I gather the shire are the ones to rubber stamp everything. I suggest you get them out to advise. They will be…

6 years6 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Building new home

Lynnly.... make sure you are specific at anything you want to be at a certain size. Even to the point of giving a tolerance.

6 years6 yearsmichaelyoni64michaelyoni64 posted:
Building new home

No. Homezone.
We have had our 6month inspection. Found more problems and they have literally given me the bird..

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