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109 Posts
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109PostsMost Active Topics


Sutherland Shire Sydney
Joined 27 April 2008
Senior Member
14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
carpets and allergy

My oldest child has a severe allergy to dust mite and we have no laid carpet in the house as it didn't matter how well I maintained it, whether it…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
LED vs CFL vs Halogen Downlights User Choice?

We looked at LED's but our budget couldn't stretch that far. We went with CFL's because our BASIX required it and we managed to find a fitting with a…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Original Brushbox Floor - Tung Oil or Poly?

Thanks Southies!
I remember reading your thread ages ago during your build. I think you have hit A nail on the head - it is the sanding which is a…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Original Brushbox Floor - Tung Oil or Poly?

Hi Everyone,
I am doing some research into getting our floors re-done for when we move in. Since it has been a building site the poor floors are in a…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Colours help please

Hi Michelle,
Firstly thank you for your reply - so quick! :z:
In answer to your question - we were advised by a well-meaning friend that Antique…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Colours help please

Hi Michelle,
I was wondering if you could tell me whether I am heading towards an epic fail with my colour choices for the internals of our newly renovated and extended…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Lilly Pilly "Lulu"

Thank you Fu!
The reason for the LuLu was that fact that it was resistant, and we are trying to have a strong native presence in our new landscape. Thank…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Martec Wraptor Fans

Hi Tamara,
Sorry to take a bit to reply - thought this thread was dead. We did get them - but in our large area we are combining the fan…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Lilly Pilly "Lulu"

I am considering using "Lulu" as a hedge rather than a fence at the front of our house. Has anyone had any experience with this plant (either good or…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Tile Choices - Help please!

Thanks everyone - didn't think that it was just laziness........ this is our first time so to say that we are green is an understatement.

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Tile Choices - Help please!

Hi everyone!
Desperate for some time of advice please. We are "creating" an en-suite in our renovation and because the room is so small, the maximum size tile that the…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Rebuilding after arson fire - and the April Curse!

Oh I feel your pain - well the asbestos bit anyway. We had a similar thing on our block when the slab for our garage was broken, and it…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Micklou's build - take 2

Little update for anyone who's following...
this weekend we descend into the depths of horsehair hell again to complete the strip of the old house (except for existing bathroom).
Existing fibro and…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Martec Wraptor Fans

Ok thanks - had not thought of the fan length - but we are trying to avoid the strobing thing - so much to think about!
I think it is a…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Downlights in a cathedral/studio ceiling

Thanks Steve.
I think that is the thing - speaking to lots of lighting people and tradies. The problem is that every person we speak with has a different product…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Martec Wraptor Fan with Light

I am not sure if I am behind the 8 ball, but I found these ceiling fans in a shop the other day and I was just wondering if anyone…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Martec Wraptor Fans

I am not sure if I am behind the 8 ball, but I found these ceiling fans in a shop the other day and I was just wondering if anyone…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Big company or little guy????

We had the same problem when trying to decide. We visited with big companies and also visited smaller guys. We ended up choosing a smaller guy and the…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Micklou's build - take 2

Ok guys - these are the colours that we are trying out - and I would love some honest opinions - this is such a small sample AND a…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Appliances - looking for what you love

Thanks Kyton. Will look at it now! ::

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
:) Kiwis home: Moved in & lovin it! :)

Dead sexy frame Kiwi!

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Appliances - looking for what you love

Thanks everyone!
All the advice is much appreciated. I think I need to spread my wings with who I am talking to as well. Each Good Guys is different…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
:) Kiwis home: Moved in & lovin it! :)

Love the video Kiwi - now I just have to read the rest of your thread...
all 33 pages!
Looks great :)

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Micklou's build - take 2

you know what - thanks for your honesty. So many times I would say we had the ugliest house and people would say - no you don't, it's interesting...

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Appliances - looking for what you love

We are in the process of picking appliances and I swear it is almost harder than picking names for our kids ::lol:: I have…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Micklou's build - take 2

Oh - I am so struggling with technology at the moment.......
We do kiwi - but I have not got a camera that I can use to take a picture.
If you…

Micklou's build - take 2
14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Double hung windows

Thanks garden lover.
It's the hardest thing about some of the choices that you make - you dont know whether it is the wrong choice or if it is a supply…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Micklou's build - take 2

More photos!
Ironically - the wet areas!
the deck

The frame

The entrance

Mmmmmmmm trusses

Merbau boards for deck - which is lovely and LARGE!

From the corner of the deck back through the extension

Roof - (Dune)


14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Micklou's build - take 2

It has been ages since I have last posted on our thread - the old one died when our KDRB fell over. ::cry::
Anyway - we…

14 years14 yearsMicklouMicklou posted:
Photos - aaaarrrrggghhhhhh!

You mean like this? Mwah Mwah Mwah ::kiss:: ::kiss:: ::kiss::
Oh thank you! …

Photos - aaaarrrrggghhhhhh!

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