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28 Posts


Joined 19 September 2017
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MicknCi wrote:

expensive though depending on window size

6 years6 years
View: Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
6 years6 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

We built on a slab (standard inclusion). I imagine it would be an extra and not included.

6 years6 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

Yes, the kitchen bench is opposite six sliding stacker patio doors leading out to a future alfresco area as shown in this photo (taken during construction).

Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
6 years6 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

This is the Portland facade.

6 years6 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

We're In!

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

External painting finally completed. Regretting not splurging on a timber window at the front. Loving the mocha stain on the posts and front door. Nearly there...

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

Agreed - Idiots. We queried it at drawing stage AND at frame stage (before the plaster was put up and requested the noggins be placed elsewhere) and both times…

MicknCi wrote:

Master robe complete.

7 years7 years
View: Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
MicknCi wrote:

Still waiting for painting to be finished on the outside.

7 years7 years
View: Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
MicknCi wrote:

Finally the drawers have been fixed with the correct shaker profiles. One pot drawer still to be replaced due to wrong handle being attached to it.

7 years7 years
View: Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
MicknCi wrote:

Filthy newly laid floors :(

7 years7 years
View: Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
MicknCi wrote:

How upset should I be at the state of the worksite? The cleaner has placed products and a radio all over the kitchen stone bench tops without any protection underneath.

7 years7 years
View: Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
MicknCi wrote:

This is our fourth time building a home and our first with Simonds. NEVER experienced such a dirty work site - especially when flooring installed.

7 years7 years
View: Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
MicknCi wrote:

Anyone see the multiple problems here?!

7 years7 years
View: Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

So, we are getting close.
Some hiccups along the way and some poor design issues we are currently battling with (see bathroom towel rail photo).
Sooo many delays. Just want to move…

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

Hello, no problems at all - ask away!
We are in Victoria, so depending on where you are building, prices may be different.
We paid an extra $18,000 and got $45,000 worth…

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

More photos - starting to really look like a home! :-D

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

Its been a while - but things are really starting to get moving at our build.

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

Hi, Larry
No, just the plumbing pipes.
How have you found Simonds so far? I realise we are in different states, but the process has been sooooo drawn out for us.

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

No, should we?

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

Hi, Larry
No, just the plumbing pipes.
How have you found Simonds so far? I realise we are in different states, but the process has been sooooo drawn out for us.

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

That's awesome! All the very best for your move. We have reached the slab pouring stage and haven't even met our site supervisor yet due to his annual leave! Might…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

We have plumbing! It has taken nine months to get here - Simonds seems to move very slowly even with our land fully released from the beginning. Our estimated completion…

Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio
7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

Hello! Great to hear from you. I fell in love with the raised ceiling and butler's pantry in the Rio kitchen and I was sold!
And, you guessed it, both…

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Brookfield home By Simonds

That is awesome - thank you for your quick reply. I will have o/seas visitors in July next year. We have just completed colour selections and waiting on the contract...so…

7 years7 yearsMicknCiMicknCi posted:
Our new home

I actually like your kitchen tiles! Once the grout and appliances are in and bench tops cleaned up it will all come together.

  ⋅  1

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