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103 Posts
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Joined 9 December 2008
Senior Member
14 years14 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Telstra Velocity at Eynesbury (huh?)

back when this thread started you would have been right.. but not now.. tell me where else in Australia you can get 100Mbps down and 5Mbps up with 200gb limit…

15 years15 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

i think you were lucky enough when you build your home with them..
I agree!! The more stories I hear about them the more I realize your perfect house must…

15 years15 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Telstra Velocity at Eynesbury (huh?)

Does the bold one highlighted above can be a bad thing? ... sorry I'm also new to this kind of stuff so hopefully some with more experience/knowledge can explain.
If we…

15 years15 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Blue's house in Yanchep - final inspection!!!!!

hahaha stalked it this morning, one last time you know! Although was a bit annoyed, they have put the flyscreens on & shut my ** entry point. Lookin…

15 years15 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Blue's house in Yanchep - final inspection!!!!!

Thats awesome news for you guys, but now whose's house am i gonna stalk??? :D :(

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Blue's house in Yanchep - final inspection!!!!!

where's your investment property?
We sold our house 1week before christmas last year. Our house was spose to have been finished but it wasn't so we had to move…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Blue's house in Yanchep - final inspection!!!!!

Ok...well hopefully they'll be on the roof soon, do they work weekends? Hmmm...
When do the actual glass bits for the windows go in?
Nah doubt it. I don't think the glass…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Blue's house in Yanchep - final inspection!!!!!

umm not sure it was dark, needed some extra time to finish my ** ciggie so just ended up there! :oops: :oops:

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Blue's house in Yanchep - final inspection!!!!!

Wondering if I should email our 'lady' person and see how things are...I would have thought the shingles would be on the roof or at least delivered by now.
Tiles were…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Blue's house in Yanchep - final inspection!!!!!

That pantry is massive!!! Plenty of space
I second that, dont think i've ever seen one that big.
Welcome back blue. No roof tiles yet, went past yesterday.
Still its going up bloody…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

They also asked my what kind of BBQ I liked...much much much better than cheap champagne... the SS is going to see what he can do... on top of everything…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

I agree make them do it again. Also when pci comes round; pick, pick, pick. Make them suffer, no-ones deserves it more I say!

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
How does practical completion & handover work?

Well it can never be worry free, the initial mistake of putting the slab down without approval & then having to add a tiny extra piece is always on my…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
How does practical completion & handover work?

most but not all. we have also had to have a plumber, electrician & cabinet maker come out for major issues that couldn't wait till maintanence.

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Re: NBG Buckingham - Frontyard (**Picture Fest**)

I am in total awe at your bathroom vanity!!!!! Its massive
Yeah, the kids bathroom looks bigger than our ensuite & main together!
Beautiful house, I have one random question tho. How…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
How does practical completion & handover work?

Hi, yeah we finally got our keys after more drama's ie they hadn't done anything after the 10 days were up. we moved in end of june. We've had…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

I made the pointing triangle with my hands and said white to the prestart person
hahahaha, im sorry but thats funny. How could they not know with such eloquence & description?…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

I don't know anythign about the certificate of occupancy or when/how yo get one or it I need one...
I dont think you need one. we certainly didn't get anything…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

ours was in our specs, actually in terms of standard inclusions they were pretty good. All walk in robes, dble switches, high ceilings etc was standard. Will ask dude next…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

Why isn't your crossover included? Ours was & the guy next door who built same as your's was.

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

its wide enough, just not deep enough so it sticks out, meaning the cupboard next to it cant open. its about 5cm to small for the one of the smallest…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

Nope no glasses or anything, just an average bottle of booze & a keyring i think. We havn't heard anything from them since. Still waiting on my kitchen. We didn't…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Been put off a builder

"rather live in a cardboard box under a bridge" than build with them again.

hehehe that was my review on that website!! haha its been pulled off now. Dont trust that…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Building in Perth's Northern Suburbs

We just built in Yanchep up the road from where your going. Our builder told us 10,000 for siteworks but it didnt come to that. only about 8 if…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

Has anyone built with Gemmill and know what they "gift" they give at hand over? Stormy's white towels look nice
You get a bottle of champagne. I wanted to give them…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Paving in WA, advice please.

Thanks for your replies. Looks like we will go with paving, to keep it the same as we (hubby) want to widen the driveway as its apparently to narrow?!

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Solver Paints - any good?

Both companies will colour match the other's colour charts by the way. So, if you like a Dulux colour, Solver will do it (colour match) as close as possible.
thats not…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Paving in WA, advice please.

Hi guys, I know this has been posted previously but couldn't find any info to satisfy me. We need approx 105sqm of paving done, we've been looking at just going…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
A Perfect Home with Gemmill Homes - 6mth inspection 25/05/10

I hope it isn't the color... it looks nice but i think the color I actually chose is nicer. It is an undercoat and you can see by the pic…

16 years16 yearsmisscrowmisscrow posted:
Completion date vs handover date

and where is your royalty cheque???
I know!! thats what i thought ::angry::

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