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76 Posts
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76PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 29 April 2008
Loyal Member
4 years4 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Starr Constructions in Sydney

We built 9 years ago with them and overall very happy
They are honest and flexible and help you to save money where you can
Came up with some better…

13 years13 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
unpaid subies after landscaper went broke

we have moved into our house 2 months ago
We had a contract with the builder to do house pool landscapes which we have fully paid
they paid a…

13 years13 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Cabbage palms

Hi our landscaper has put some cabbage palms in our design
They are however between our house and water view
They can grow quite large ., some plants can be lopped…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Is it Ok to put a projector and speakers in a bulkhead ??

thanks for the advice
saw one at Len wallis on w/e
projector sits well forward into the room but has a bulkhead of sorts coming out to reach it…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Yamaha NS 700 speakers or alternatives around $2-3K

Hi Everyone
just started looking at speakers for 7.1
liked the sound of the yamaha NS700 series
have found good and mixed reviews online
Given a price of $3200
for fronts, centre…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Is it Ok to put a projector and speakers in a bulkhead ??

Hi Everyone
just starting to build a HT
It will be a 2 level seating one 6m long 4m wide 3m high
We were planning to do a bulkhead around…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Alfresco deemed part of the house or separate to it?

Not sure of the rules but we had some issue with the council saying that a fully roofed area would count to the allowed surface area of the house .(which…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Contemporary fireplace

try abbeyfires website also real fires
we have an escea one under a window flued up the side but our window is higher that is very contempory

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
bbq - stainless steel or enamel

Has anyone got any opinions on BBQ plates /grills
either stainless steel or cast iron enamel coated ???

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Whats the distance allowed powerpoint to gas bbq flame??

Hi sparkies or knowledgable types
just need to know (in NSW)
outdoor kitchen with gas bbq I want a power point on the bench adjacent is the min distance allowed 150mm…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Using an Architect to Design Home - Tips?

Saw 5 architects , 3 of them were nutcases
Had 2 we thought were OK
Got one to do some prelim scetches , what he gave us was rubbish didnt listen…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
compact wall mounted speakers -any suggestions

Thanks Rodda,
Do you have any brands to suggest I can look into???
Its really for day to day use in the main family / common area
I will be having a dedicated…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
compact wall mounted speakers -any suggestions

will be needing some small compact wall mounted speakers for a 5.1 system in the main living area.
My wife likes the Bose ones, as they look nice
I will…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
wall mounted TV s

dumb questions Im afraid
Do you generally have the power point switch in adjacent joinery just running the end of the power cord to the TV as I imagine…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Cheap Samsungs - ?looks like a con

Saw this in the sydney sunday paper
I assume its a con
does anyone know anything about it

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Power tariffs and meters - new house

HI we are on Residential Peak anytime Tariff at present off contract with energy australia
We are building a new house , I assume will have to have a smart…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
solar panel sellers - Solar City Enterprises or Andrew Hanna

Hi I am about to get quotes on some solar and has anyone used these people

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
solar panels - cost and best brands

Hi we have had our Basix altered and require a 0.3 KW peak photovoltaic system .
Would anyone know rough costs for this and what some reputable products/companies are .
We were…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Annual Termite inspection

We have granitguard, full brick lower floor and treated wood brick veneer top floor so we arent going to bother with inspections for a while

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
1 degree pitch roof

does anyone have a 1 degree pitch roof / colour bond clip lock and if so have you had problems ???
The initial design of our house was a…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
grey comfort tone glass - advice

Thanks Ed,
we decided to stick to the safe conservative option of clear

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
grey comfort tone glass - advice

thanks for that reply Ed
shouldnt the reverse occur internally if you have your internal lights on , (that same reflectance property making it harder to see in in daylight…

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
grey comfort tone glass - advice

we have a house thats looking over city lights at night.
we are having 6.38mm laminated glass windows (there is a lot of them)
we have to decide between clear …

14 years14 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Progress Payment dispute

Just wondered how peoples banks paid your builder.
We got prep approval for a loan
To get approval we needed a signed fixed price contract
We signed a contract with a…

15 years15 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
contracts - practical completion, payment points , damages

Hi all
Just got our building contract on the weekend to look at prior to signing
apparantly a standard HIA one
"practical completion" - seems a bit vague , even says…

15 years15 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Tiling all bathroom walls floor to ceiling

In houses we have not had tiles to the ceiling we have had mould on the painted component which is a pain in the arse. We are having tiles to…

15 years15 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Building Inspectors for a house for sale- recommendations

Can anyone recommend a person or company that does building inspections on the North Shore of Sydney for a house for sale ???

15 years15 yearsMJABMJAB posted:
Australian Magazines

As recently posted elswhere save your money and look at the pictures on this site

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