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Joined 5 December 2015
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7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Congratulations! If I recall correctly it’s been an awful long journey for you. Glad the big day has finally arrived.

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Overshadowing 40 square meters of Private Open Space

Sorry to hear of your situation. They should have shown you these drawings before you sign the contract. Maybe your builder works differently, if they do then yes, it is…

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Overshadowing 40 square meters of Private Open Space

Hi Chanaka, my issue was with council and these days all councils have overlooking and overshadowing rules which we read up on when looking for a block of land. However…

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

That's great to hear bout the quality. You must have better trades up in Sydney
I haven't been happy with the quality so far since everything seems to have…

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

With all the specs, around $500k+

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Thanks Angel- just the encouragement I need right now. You are so right about needing some sort of therapy to get through the journey. We visit Waldorf displays when we…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Yes thank goodness Darbecca picked it all up and that's why they all got fixed. Problem was that PD trades didn't fix it and it got to lockup stage so…

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

I told them at sales and at tender and at contract hehe. Essentially I wanted to keep confirming with different parties it was ok. But I think you can let…

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Omg that is just awful! I'm sorry your family has to go through this. Someone's home should be their sanctuary and I completely empathize with you. What has PD offered…

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

For those building a double storey with gas heating plus add on AC (uses same single duct work), has anyone noticed the ducting downstairs is different type of ducting upstairs?…

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Oh no that's awful! How far off are you away from handover? What issues are you having?
Are you able to extend your rental to month by month? Otherwise I…

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Sounds like we have a similar journey but yours is a bit faster.
We also started our site in Sept 2016 but only got the frame invoice by December and…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

We also went with Darbecca and opted for all the inspections except one. Like you, we didn't look elsewhere because of the comments on HomeOne. Two things to note though:

  ⋅  4
7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

So jealous! We've been at lock up stage for over two months due to build quality issues ☹️
When was your site start? Did you have any issues along the…

7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Yeh, it's no fun. We are also on our 6th building variation too. We haven't changed our minds. Just keep finding errors..
Good luck with your frame next week!

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Congrats! Looks great! Can't wait till we get to that stage. Our Waldorf needed three frame inspections by darbecca to get PD to get just the frame right. And that…

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Glad to see there are still some of us building a Waldorf. I feel this forum has gone silent due to everyone building the newer prestige plans like Brookwater B.…

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

I've had three BCs (not the best experience in itself but very common) and one was named Danielle- she was by far the most junior (I won't elaborate) and she…

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

We also didn't sign on the day. They couldn't amend the changes in time and had them courier the contract to me and signed it two weeks later

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Added costs for sloping block

It depends on a lot of factors of course such as how many retaining walls are needed and whether site access is difficult and in our case the water authority…

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

Which house are you building again? 6 months build time is awesome! Ours is a KDR too but the Waldorf 44 so I'm expecting 9-10 months but keeping 12 months…

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hehe I can't remember if you had the long contract stage too. Our contract went for 12 months! Build stage was fairly good though right?

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

Wow that was all pretty fast and great news!! Good luck with the final stages

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

Good idea! Because our bc and ss aren't answering and bc told us to refer to a watyyl chart which im positive is wrong :(<br>
Yeh I wouldn't…</p></div><div class=

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

I'm pretty sure they use dulux for exteriors and wattyl for interior walls. Can try calling World of Style to confirm?

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

So has anyone else got AG pipes around the house in their plans? We are now at slab stage and I've noticed they've prepared crushed rock for it and dig…

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Ahh yes, also considered that door too (PCL 4G with translucent glazing) as it does come in 2340mm - thanks, Waldorf_Grange_Build - but we really want zinclight panels for…

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

So it wasn't just us then. Wish they would provide more classic doors especially for the prestige PD homes with custom heights. We were so close to doing what you…

8 years8 yearsMomijiMomiji posted:
Porter Davis homes

Thanks for the encouragement- def need it! Especially as I just got. Voice message saying my BC last day at work is today and I'll hear from my THIRD BC…

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