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Joined 15 October 2012
Gold Member
4 years4 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Brivis evap water usage

Hey Mikell, I have a feeling it’s just Brivis that are no good! We’ve had nothing but trouble with our heating and cooling systems.
I THINK the dumping problem was solved…

7 years7 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Tree help (Victoria)

We still haven’t done a great deal, whoops!
We planted a cleaveland ornamental pear in the centre of the front yard, and it’s doing great (has a few super heavy…

8 years8 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Tree help (Victoria)

Hi all!
I was hoping someone could give me some suggestions for a tree? I know NOTHING about them, and am happy to research but need some suggestions to start me…

9 years9 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Brivis evap water usage

Thanks everyone!
Brivis came out for us (very quickly, I'm impressed with their service!). The guy adjusted a drip tray that stopped the constant stream going down the downpipe. He also…

9 years9 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Brivis evap water usage

We live in the northern suburbs of Melbourne... I don't know anything about water quality :/ we're supplied by yarra valley water.

9 years9 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Brivis evap water usage

New house built (moved in June 2014) with a Brivis evaporative air con. According to the contract it's a P54.
The first summer our water bills, for a house with…

10 years10 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Caesarstone edge marks

Hi all!
Just wondering if you could tell me if this is normal (I hope not) and if it can be fixed (I hope so lol)
These white marks are along the…

10 years10 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
MrsT12s AM530 - Done!

Thanks guys!
The flooring is all great. We have 7 nieces and nephews who visit a lot, a ginger cat, and a very spewy baby and it's all still good as…

10 years10 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
MrsT12s AM530 - Done!

Hi all! Looooooooooooooooooooong time no see! We've been a bit busy around here. We moved into our place at the beginning of June, and had a baby three weeks later.…

10 years10 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Anyone building with MainVue Homes

Hi all! Looooooooooooooooooooong time no see! We've been a bit busy around here. We moved into our place at the beginning of June, and had a baby three weeks later.…

10 years10 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Mainvue Amalfi 530

Wow, fancy! Looks great :)

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Pot drawer dividers

Vic, northern melb suburbs.

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Pot drawer dividers

Hoping the brains trust can help me out here! I have three large but shallow pot drawers, and would love some adjustable dividers to put into them. I was hoping…

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Anyone building with MainVue Homes

They WILL put the house where you want it to go. If they have to do extra work (rock removal, upgrade slab, additional piers) the it's at your cost -…

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Anyone building with MainVue Homes

Bugger I can't read it on my phone.
RE manholes though, it can depend on the facade you choose and where there is enough roof space to enter/move around/access the…

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Anyone building with MainVue Homes

We didn't have an elec appt either. I just did an electrical drawing myself and gave it to the girl at my color appt, and when we went to tender…

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
MrsT12s AM530 - Done!

So far so good, we've spent three nights in the house and all is well. Only problem is there's no phone/internet wiring in the estate yet, so I can't connect!…

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
MrsT12s AM530 - Done!

Nah Ari no bites on the other house unfortunately. We'll organise to rent it but keep it on the market and just hope it sells sooner rather than later.

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Fencing (Victoria) What happens when...

We're getting colorbond :)

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Fencing (Victoria) What happens when...

Of course! The cheapest I was able to find is $70 a meter, supply & installation. It's for 1.8m panels.

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
MrsT12s AM530 - Done!

We settled this morning! Yaaaaaay!
Have already had a sparky come and install the oven and cooktop (we supplied our own so had to organise it ourselves), and our new bedroom…

  ⋅  1
11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Deep cabinet solution


11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Deep cabinet solution

Our island bench has seriously deep cabinets. Pretty sure it's the entrance to Narnia and I just can't see back far enough to confirm.
Are there some slide out tracks/shelves/baskets…

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Fencing (Victoria) What happens when...

We'll be having it put up in the next couple of weeks, and we have to foot the bill unfortunately. Luckily that property just backs onto the side of ours,…

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Not happy with house plan? Happy with budget?

Your hubby has a great wage, you're very lucky! We dont make that between the two of us, and I'm about to go on unpaid maternity leave for six months.

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
MrsT12s AM530 - Done!

Thanks guys! We're chomping at the bit now to get the keys...

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
MrsT12s AM530 - Done!

Ok, here we go:

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
MrsT12s AM530 - Done!

Bugger! No keys. The SS was away last week and a few things he'd organized didn't get done so we have to wait till next Tuesday to settle. And it…

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Building Amalfi 530 with Mainvue

Ooooh nice wardrobe!! Who did the fitout?

11 years11 yearsMrsT12MrsT12 posted:
Anyone building with MainVue Homes

Ah, sorry I misread the bit about the door handle.
You can level your whole block before they start if you want to. If there's going to be an issue…

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Brivis evap water usage
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