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153 Posts
Bronze Member

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Joined 22 January 2008
Bronze Member
16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Bath plumbing leaking - what to do?

Hi all. We got handover of our lovely house in October, and we're out of maintenance period.
Tonight our DS had a bath (upstairs), and when he let the water out,…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Melbourne Water 1-in-100 year flood Special Building Overlay

We didn't have this issue, as our house was built on strip footings and screw piles. Never thought about how they got the right level, assume the surveyors set some…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
When did they put your applicances etc in??

Our oven and rangehood went in before handover. HWS, rainwater tank, gas cooktop, external aircon unit went in about a week after handover (we weren't in a rush, they would…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
What do i do - homeless in 5 weeks frombuilder incompetence

I am so glad now that I didn't give notice on our rental place until we had the house keys in our hands - cost us a few extra weeks…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Boutique Homes

Shame that they appear to have changed so much with the takeover. They were very flexible when we built with them last year (literally hundreds of variations made by us…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Floor level restriction - AHD question

Sounds like it - and that your finished floor levels will only need to be 10cm off the ground, which is much nicer than the 100cm that we had to…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Floor level restriction - AHD question

Sorry, to summarise - you should be able to order a report online, which you'll have to pay for, but which will give you your AHD, before getting the surveyors…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Floor level restriction - AHD question

Are you in the Special Building Overlay (SBO) for flood prone areas? This will mean that you'll need to have your floor 30cm above the 100yr flood level.
You can…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Please help! What colour is this?

Looks like surfmist to me, which is what we've got on our place:

Can be really hard to take photos of Surfmist, as it takes on the colour of the sky,…

Please help! What colour is this?
16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Questions regarding financing while building...?

Basically, you end up with both a mortgage and rent! Real good fun...
Progress payments are made along the way, at the completion of each stage, which means the amount you…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
The adventures of a long, narrow block..

Good luck! We've just finished on a 10.7m x 45m block in suburban Melbourne. Here are a couple of threads on it:
https://forum.homeone.com.au/viewtopic.p ... highlight=

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Double storey windows (privacy screen or no habitable window

The issue with the ventillation relates to another part of the building code, which says that the windows have to have at least the same area as x% of the…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Boutique Homes?

They are certainly not perfect, but in talking to Kevin and some of the tradies, they appear to be better than your average volume builder. Of course, depending on your…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
MrT's front landscaping - scoria central!

Hi, the top render matches Colorbond "Sandbank", which is our fascia and downpipe colour. Rendering was done by Unitex, who also did the the top floor cladding, which is foam…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Maintenance Free Landscaping

Here you go:
and if your space is a bit bigger, go for some different stone in different sections - ours was a bit small, and being…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
MrT's front landscaping - scoria central!

Hi, the render is meant to match the Colorbond "Deep Ocean" colour, which is what our gutters are done in. The photo probably doesn't properly represent what the colour of…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
MrT's front landscaping - scoria central!

I reckon a quick spray of Round Up once a month should do it!

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
MrT's house - done and done - now with landscaping!

Austral Settler Lawson - these were a category 1 brick, so no extra cost...

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
MrT's house - done and done - now with landscaping!

Just an update, photos of the front landscaping are in the landscaping forum:

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
MrT's front landscaping - scoria central!

After moving in during November, our front yard still looked like a building site. (See this thread: http://forum.homeone.com.au/viewtopic.php?t=12591&highlight=)
We wanted something that was very low maintenance, wouldn't require plants straight…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
"provisions" in contract

we had around $40-$50K provisions for things like - extra strip footings and screw piles (which was slightly overspent on), double handling charges (for a narrow block on main road,…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Arise (Phone Company)

I'm ex-Telstra. In these cases, generally the estate developer tenders out construction of telco services, paying a carrier to provide "future proof" netoworks. Appears Arise has won the tender in…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
pergola building

At the very least pick up the "Deck and Pergola" book by Allan Staines from Bunnings - it has a wealth of info on specifications, construction methods etc, which should…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
MrT's house - done and done - now with landscaping!

Its just some garden edging that I found in Bunnings. About $7-8 for a pack of 4 pieces from memory. Pretty cheap and nasty stuff that I don't think would…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
MrT's house - done and done - now with landscaping!

Thanks guys - yes, we really like the dining area too - not something we would have thought of ourselves, but it works really well.
Bel - the letterbox was…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
MrT's house - done and done - now with landscaping!

After an 18 month journey to rebuild on our narrow block on a main road with tramlines in a flood overlay area, I think we're finally done! We've been in…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Is building permit required for building a deck?

Will depend on size and location of deck. For example, our council (Glen Eira, Melbourne) only requires a permit if any of these conditions aren't met:
1) Less than 800mm high,

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Melbourne Water 1-in-100 year flood Special Building Overlay

Yep, we had to deal with this. Our floor levels have to be 100cm above the ground level, implying that the 100yr flood level is 70cm above the ground. This…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Boutique Homes?

Weez - good luck - agree with comments about your CSR - I found that emails didn't seem to trigger her into action. Probably best to send the email so…

16 years16 yearsMrTMrT posted:
Where’s the recession?

And I got "moved on" in September, just as we approached handover! Luckily, I'd been at that company for over 14 years, so got a pretty decent payout, which hopefully…

Joined homeone
22 January 2008

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