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329 Posts
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Joined 27 July 2007
Silver Member
12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Thanks guys! HomeAngels - 14 weeks all up they tell me - so hopefully early October we will be in

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
Our first Home :) the Sahara Q1

Wow Rangi, like the plan! Welcome to the forum and good luck with everything :)

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Wow they are quick!
Tuesday: Polystyrene for footings was delivered
Wednesday: Drains were put in and inspected by council
Thursday: Formwork for slab was all put in

Friday: Slab went down!


12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
Which high end custom builders?

Forgot to say - it also depends on what you are looking for in a house - and what your land is like. E.g. some builders are specialists in…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
Which high end custom builders?

Hi thewind2, welcome to the forum :)
Most of the people on here are building project homes - not many customs/high ends, but the first thing to…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
Building with Aussie Living - Prestart completed

Plan looks great Simoneeeb - love the separate living areas

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Like Renski said, thanks to everyone for this list, and to PD for maintaining it! It has proven invaluable for us :)

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Site cut happened yesterday - it has BEGUN!! :lol:

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
900mm Oven Stack

How about these pics Nick - these are from appliance showrooms

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Excitement plus!!!!!! :z: :z:
Since my last post we have been and done the kitchens and plumbing selections.
All up with…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
'Name Your Product' - Home Entertainment Deals

Hi Matt,
Because everyone would be looking for different things I'm not sure it would be easy to come up with specials that would suit everyone :D

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Ok colour appointment done!
Here's what we chose.
Basically outside is black/white/silver theme, internal is a brown theme, also most things are from builder's standard range.
Bricks: Austral, Urban One Range, Silver
Gutters and…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Our finance has been approved - hurrah!
First colour selection appointment on Friday morning :)

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Thanks everyone.
Just a quick update...
We still haven't got construction finance but we are very close. We disputed the valuation from the CBA, and they came back at $50k under…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

As of last Thursday our land finally settled (four months after contract) - that is the good news ::lol::
It was a very hard slog…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
HomeOne Building Threads

Me too please :D
Path Developments - Custom designed by us with the help of the builder - muzzman - http://forum.homeone.com.au/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=59240&p=933872

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
What was your biggest savings items done after handover?

We are having a turnkey package so curtains, driveway, letterbox etc. are all included in price.
Having said that...
After our build we will be doing things like
- Proper blockout curtains (the…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
Building with Coral Homes - Toowoomba - Handover today!

Welcome reindeer, love the house plan and the colours, hope the build has now started without a hitch...

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
Variation payments

Ouch, sounds really bad for you...
I think it would be best if you go and talk to a solicitor - see if there is any sort of mediation/negotiation they can…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
First Home in Tas - We're In!

Welcome Nomie, you will find a good community here on the homeone forum!
Sound a lot like us - took a long time to get the building process underway (we have…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

As of Friday our finance on the land has been approved so we are full steam ahead, yay!
Settlement hopefully in late November or Early December, and then the building process…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
How long for land to be ready?

We had a block of land in Cranbourne in Victoria, it was the last stage of the estate so pretty much everything was already built on all around the stage.…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Ups and Downs, Downs and Ups...
The mortgage broker finally came back to us with the full application - but the valuation on the land came back at $20,000 lower than…

12 years12 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

On quick update :-)
We went to see a mortgage broker but they were dragging their feet - and despite knowing full well what our deadline was…

13 years13 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Hi Atom_ute,
Good to know at least one person on here is building with them - and with a glowing recommendation!
Yeah I know about the alfresco floor - we will put…

13 years13 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

So we ended up seeing the builder last Friday and added on about $13,000 of extras.
- Extended the kitchen bench
- Reverse cycle ducted aircon
- Computer network cable to 4 rooms

13 years13 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Yeah kiwi, it is slightly. The WIR has been made bigger, we turned the family and dining room into separate rooms, and put a hallway in between the media…

13 years13 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Ooooooops, just realised that the plan I uploaded is the old one ::: :::
Here is the new one with…

The MuzzMansion
13 years13 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Thanks guys!
Yeah it is an unusual plan - but because North is basically the right hand corner of the garage we wanted the living areas towards the front to get…

13 years13 yearsmuzzmanmuzzman posted:
The MuzzMansion

Ooooops in all my excitement I forgot to show you our chosen plan. Because of the odd shape of the block this is a custom plan that we put…

The MuzzMansion



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