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Joined 23 June 2017
Gold Member
1 year1 yearMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Sandstone crazy paving quote

Perhaps s u should DIY. Only 36m2.
Calculate your diy cost vs quotes then u know if the quote is fair or not.

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

Don't think it will cause any issue. Your slab looks perfect and your brick sits exactly on the slab edge.
Really you should find other issues with t your house.

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

Mate this is nothing. It's just an overhang.

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Roof Vibration Noise Diagnosis.

Yup. Is the roof sarking vibrating against the colorbond roof.
When I 1st move in to my new house it drove me crazy especially thinking is the roof loose, is the…

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Rendered cladding walls cracks

The spacing of the studs looks pretty large especially for a load bearing wall.

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
How I lost $100,000 and why I will never use steel frames

Question has anyone live in a steel frame double storey house and happy about it? I really can't imagine the noise.
For me a simple example I build a timber frame…

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Carter Grange

There is no way on earth u can build a 37sq double storey home for 511k today and definitely not last year too.
Even the cheapest volume buidler can't do that…

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Hebel wall hairline cracks on new house built 2020..why?

I'm sure this hairline crack along the joints will still be there in 20 years time whatever u do and also in 20 years time your house will be…

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
External brick wall has horizontal cracks around the house (

As someone posted , some brickie lay it short covered it up with mortar so it looks nice..

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
External brick wall has horizontal cracks around the house (

If the "crack" is due to DPC nothing you can do about it. Mine was also like this. It's common sense you put a thin layer of plastic between brick…

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Worth putting in extra screws into subfloor?

In my case when the frame is all up, roof is up and cladding all done.
Before they put carpet or laminate they have a person came with lag screws…

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Kitchen Gas cooktop Australian Standards with Glass window

And also another tip they suggested for alternative solution is checking if the temperature of the surface raised above 65 degrees from ambiance. LOL!! So messy.
But Caesarstone recommendation from…

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Kitchen Gas cooktop Australian Standards with Glass window

Ic, yeah must be new.. Since the std depth of benchtop for cooking area is quite shallow.. .So 200mm is impossible for typical gas cooktop and typical benchtop depth.
My house…

2 years2 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Kitchen Gas cooktop Australian Standards with Glass window

200mm, Is impossible isn't it? So those with glass splashback or tile splashback. No way you can have a 200mm gap from a gas burner for 98% of the build…

3 years3 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Big M brickwork, am I being picky? I don't think so...

IMO, your brick wall looks perfectly fine. Dont' get too hung up over it. If you go to stare at other people's new build you will be surprised how good…

4 years4 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Worried about Alfresco pier

Is this really an issue?
As far as I know any brick piers in VIC build , basically inside the brick pier is a piece of timber doing the actual support…

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Brick and frame - plywood normal ?

Unless Sydney building differently.
Its more than normal. Its structural bracing those plywood sheets.
And it seems that this is the 3rd build I see on this forum without building wrap in…

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Swelling of laminated floorboards

I suspect could be a small spill of 20 cents or 50 cents size pool of liquid and it didn't dry in time and sipped into the gap... That's…

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Sir Walter Buffalo

My experience would be stop any form of fertiliser until your buffalo is fully established. You are in NSW so I reckon come spring time it will grow very…

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Porter Davis Homes.

I guess part of the problem is volume builders are offering and building 450K all inclusive for a 50sq "grand design" house....

  ⋅  2
5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Internal brick walls VS timber stud frames?

In WA it's standard for double brick wall. It's a good as it gets.
No need to compare to people in the east building match sticks houses. :)

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Porter Davis SAVOY35

In general unless is insulated plaster wall, it does nothing.
My home is very open plan I dread it sometimes.
The sound of people's voice is significantly pounder in open plan…

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Custom Floor Plan Feedback

Are you in Syd or Melb?
If Melb.. I would rearrange my ensuite to have a larger window if its facing west... it will dry up you bathroom nicely and prevent…

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Metricon prices

I'm sure metricon website tells u the inclusion and assume u don't upgrade anything.
And then add 40-100k site costs depending on your land.

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Does removing balconies of the house plan reduce cost?

Share with us how muchehen u know :)

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Does removing balconies of the house plan reduce cost?

Interesting OP should share back the outcome.
Find it interesting that a typical volume builder will give u back anything, probably it will be some minute amt u would think might…

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Custom Floor Plan Feedback

Since your frontage is facing north. I reckon this is as good as it gets.
Perhaps make your laundry to be larger to incorporate a mud room as part of it…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Does removing balconies of the house plan reduce cost?

If it's from volume builder probably it will cost u more because u change their plan.
If its custom design from scratch this yes it should cost u less without the…

5 years5 yearsMyFirstMyFirst posted:
Mud Room Yay or Nay?

Definitely by hook by crook do it.
With kids. Not only their sporting bags etc. Also their school bags, shoes etc etc.
Need something like minimum 2*3 metres room.
So can dump…

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