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Joined 22 November 2017
Junior Member
5 years5 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

Yesterday we got first heavy rain . The storm water was blocked .

ownit home told me downpipes are glued and sealed off at the connection point to the underground…

5 years5 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

HI Michelle
Just have stupid question if you don't mind it.
1- is this Hybrid Flooring ? Could not find Hybrid Flooring on choicesflooring website.

2- Above mentioned Hybrid Flooring from…

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

HI Michelle
it is product from coretect and usfloor
and selling local carpet call. I am confuse between kardean and coretec because these are 2 product which don't requires hard boarding…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

Hi Michelle
Any idea about coretec proplus tacked (clip system) could not find too much reviews about them . I have check kardean but quite negative reviews .

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

Some pictures during different stages of build

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

Over the weekend done tile selection waiting for Tiles update price cost.

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

Some updates . Slab was planned to be pored on 11 October. They prepare for the slab on 11 but due to bad weather they aborted . Bad weather…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

I have signed off buildings specification on Friday 29 September. Got very quick response for slab dates

03.10.18 SITE CUT
05.10.18 …

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

Finally I have some updates for ownit homes colour selection . Colour selection is very rocky road we have ups and down and I am glad mostly matter get sorted…

custom Build  ownit home  ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades
6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

Can't afford it turnkey mostly things doing after hand over bit by bit

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

chanam we got 3/4 of acreage HSTP is Home Sewage Treatment Plant is a modern device that treats all the waste water that…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

chanam welcome to my world. Each builder has profit margin between 20% to 100% . Only pick the things you…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

HI @
Do you like any ownit home display follow their colours. We like some display home which is not belong to ownit we are following their colour selection and they…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

HI chanam
,Mostly things sorted out I will post the detail later on . They use kitchen gallery Salisbury . their reviews are quite…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

Thanks for your reply. Which suburb you are building. Honestly we have not discuss about surface/storm water drainage with ownit if it is…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

I have paid my deposit last month. Plan go to private certifier on 27 August. Hopefully it will get approved soon. Colour selection is not finalised yet. My loan approval…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

we have our colour selection in July 2018. Before colour selection we have visited each supplier to look and feel the stuff and what options are available. Just ask…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

HI there I have not update my Thread for while due to waiting for loan approval from the bank. Banks are very tough due to royal commission and also…

6 years6 yearsnafeesranafeesra posted:
custom Build ownit home ownithomes.com.au quote, upgrades

HI @
I am still building with them. Sorry I have not update the my thread for while . Currently I am waiting for my loan go through with bank.…

Joined homeone
22 November 2017

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