5 months5 monthsnewhomewarrior posted:
biggest home built by volume builder
biggest home built by volume builder
Thanks. Had terrible experience with metricon. Not going to repeat the mistake again.
5 months5 monthsnewhomewarrior posted:
biggest home built by volume builder
biggest home built by volume builder
Just checking to see if anyone know whats the biggest home offered by volume builder. Looking to build 80 square and above in victoria
1 year1 yearnewhomewarrior posted:
Metricon Lumiere
Metricon Lumiere
I wish I saw this before I went with Metricon. I had horrible experience with that builder I had to cut loss. Time and money wasted
2 years2 yearsnewhomewarrior posted:
what to do Metricon want to charge extra for shrub
what to do Metricon want to charge extra for shrub
I am two month into the Metricon new home process and we have paid the initial deposit two month ago. We were just informed we have to pay for the…
Joined homeone
25 November 2022