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nina marie
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nina marie
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nina marie

Joined 18 October 2009
Gold Member
9 years9 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Hello to anybody out there listening! We are at the tender stage with plans requiring just a couple of tweaks now. It has taken a long time for…

10 years10 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Quick update, sold the house, bought 10 acres in Burradoo, architect meant to get designs Tonys this week! X

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Oh hello lovely ladies! I wrote this then completely forgot about it, I'm out of practice!!!
How nice you caught up with dee and Loretta, were they in sydney?
We've got…

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Who's out there?
Update from us is currently looking for land and getting excited about designing our next floor plan (particularly as we didn't get to design our last…

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Hi novice, sorry for late response - still looking for landscaper?

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
A/C ducting only in two storey build

Are there any a/c contractors out there that could help me please?

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
A/C ducting only in two storey build

Hi there, wondering if anybody out there has had their builder install a/c ducting only when they built a 2 storey home? Would love to pick your brains if…

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Standard black pool fencing - cost?

Thanks so much everyone, our supply and install quote has come in quite a bit under that so I'm fairly happy (finally got some other real quotes too). Thanks,…

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Standard black pool fencing - cost?

Hi there, just wondering if anybody can give me a ball park lineal metre price for the bog standard black pool fencing pls? Really need a quick and dirty…

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Show me your kitchen...

We went 2 ovens but only one pyrolectic, the rule is roasts and anything with fat goes in the pyro rather than the the other one, so we only need…

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Show me your kitchen...

We went 2 ovens but only one pyrolectic, the rule is roasts and anything with fat goes in the pyro rather than the the other one, so we only need…

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Really Dee? Your garden is so fabulous and our my lawn is definitely not looking special at the moment.
Smorgzzz, we got the sideboard on ebay from collections…

11 years11 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

Wow T, they are supercharged plants, they have grown so much in such a short space of time. Fabulous! And I am sure I read somewhere that natives…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
DIY Pantry / Study / Linen / Laundry / ANYTHING Fitout

Oh wow birder, thank you so much, that is just brilliant! And this is the exact configuration that we need too, so great to see how yours turned out.…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Hey GoGo, thank you! Levels are pretty, but flat would be so much more practical for kiddies. A least we have the area at the bottom they can…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

If you only have a roof on top Treeseachsnger, i reckon your surfmist will be fine. It is our lower roof that is the problem - it is shaded…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Thanks guys! We dont really feel like we've achieved that much!
Yes T, she finally wearing the clothes you gave her - just in tis last week!
Currently sitting in A…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Whats the problem with a light coloured roof - eg surfmist?

We have a lower roof over the garage and the front lounge, so it is shaded by the top floor - think that is the problem Dee.

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Whats the problem with a light coloured roof - eg surfmist?

Did you go surfmist? (sorry - havent read the whole of this thread!) Yes, shame for us as so love surfmist.

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Oh, and something we are not thrilled with is our poor surfmist roof. Weare really disappointed with the look of it on the south side. We approach our…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Whats the problem with a light coloured roof - eg surfmist?

We have a surfmist roof and we are really disappointed with the look of it on the south side. We approach our house from a slope towards the southside…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
DIY Pantry / Study / Linen / Laundry / ANYTHING Fitout

looking great (v small pic but can just about tell!!). I have to keep re-reading your post as it is gobbledygook to a non-DIYer such as me!! But…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

Hello! :P
We are just 4 days away from being in our home for 12 months – and the list of things to do…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

Hey Ryan! Glad and sad to hear that! I too gave it some fertiliser last weekend and a lot of water. Does your grass get much loght…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
DIY Pantry / Study / Linen / Laundry / ANYTHING Fitout

Hi Birder how'd your signature collection units go - are you finished? I looked at those and thought they were fantastic - so nice to not have the shelf…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

HELLO T!!! I too pop in occasionally, always mean to write but get started and something else comes up. Glad to hear the leak is sorted and nice…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
Gogo's build- outdoor update 99% done

hello hello lovely ladies! so nice to hear from you again and to hear you are happy in your wonderful homes! how time flies eh, cannot believe it…

12 years12 yearsnina marienina marie posted:
How warm is your house?

Wow DTB, that sounds pretty efficient to me. What sort of insulation do you have?

Joined homeone
18 October 2009

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