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44 Posts
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Joined 18 September 2011
Junior Member
13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
LED Downlights and normal lights

Hey Greenfish, I'm awaiting confirmation but it seems that even if your using LED lighting you still have to comply with AS3000 wiring rules which state a 200mm clearance…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hey Humble, your not with Melbourne Water are you????

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
LED Downlights and normal lights

OMG sim_mun is the owner of xxxx SPAM SPAM SPAM!!!!!!All of your posts are SPAM!!!
Edited by Forum Support to remove business name.

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
National Broadband Network

I Agree dvestate, I have a wd tv Live Wireless Media Player. I also have a "copy" of Transformers Dark of the moon Blu ray which is 44.5GB. …

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:

Ring them tuesday and let them know it's not acceptable and you want it fixed. Indictive or not you can't be expected to wear that. It isn't rocket science to…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
visited site and got several questions/problems, help please

For starters they don't get to choose to be bored,frustrated,upset or F*%KED off with you. You get to do that to them your the one paying so please keep…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
The CARLISLE HOMES & SPECTRA General Information Thread

Hi all has anyone had the following done to their house :
1.Urban one chocolate bricks
2.Ceasarstone colour "Linen"
3.Crystal gloss cabinetry to kitchen.
If so was this an upgrade, what category and…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:

Especially something that obvious. ::lol::

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
visited site and got several questions/problems, help please

I'm not a builder by any means are some of the photios aren't the best to judge anything by but here are my opinions.
1.That looks like it is your skirting…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:

OMG!! they will have to move the light. judging by your plan it should be half a meter closer to us and all four ( two lights two ducts) should…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:

judging from the piucture and it is hard to tell so correct me if I'm wrong but the two lights look like they are in line with each other so…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

It's sad really. For just about all of us it's a dream come true. Your signing over anywhere between 250K to 500K. To them it's like your…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
The CARLISLE HOMES & SPECTRA General Information Thread

Hi all I have been in talks with PD for about a year now.still waiting for titles. Have contract appointment soon but am not really happy with the level…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

I'm feeling the same koukli going to talk to Carlisle homes tomorrow as PD have dropped the ball. Quite a few people have said to me that PD are…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
anyone building in armstrong creek?

the most interesting time will be when there are more houses pushing all the excess water into the storm water on top of what naturally runs through!

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Burbank SOHO2400- were in!*pics*

they are usually permanent. I would get onto this quickas it would be such a headache to fix after it is "LIVE" and bricked in

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
National Broadband Network

This is all good for most of us but what will happen for existing/old areas. For example A two story home that has the front yard all landscaped/concreted.…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Site Costs - M Class Slab

OMG!!!!!! where are you building????
You in a BAL FZ?????

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Site Costs - M Class Slab

How big is your block as I would have thought sewer, storm water and water were included in their standard price. I had to pay more as my block…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Site Costs - M Class Slab

Building with PD in Vic 44sq 2 story.
Breakdown as follows :
Excavation $5322
Slab upgrade from M to M-D and piering $5402
Services (agi drains, silt pit, additional storm water, sewer elec,…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi all can't seem to get the price list to upload but if anyone is interested pm me and I'll email it ::smile::

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

***Content removed by moderator team***

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

Standard wiring. Phone connected to krone block in top left corner. Data points bottom left. TV points (connected to powered distribution block) on the right. The black wires not connected…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

What estate are u in and which fibre provider is cabling it????

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

I also agree that if you paid for Cat6 then you should get it. My point was, performance wise there is no difference between the two. If your…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

I wouldn't stress too much the difference between Cat5E and Cat6 in most domestic installations is nothing. Cat5E can run at or very near gigabit just the same…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

Sorry J & C missed your last point. A,S,M H are not "better" than the other they are what type of slab is required for your specific block as judged…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

Waffle pod slabs are used by just about all volume builders these days unless they absolutely have to use raft or the client refuses to use waffle. Even when…

13 years13 yearsnuttanutta posted:
Porter Davis homes

On a serious note has anyone (I'm expecting everyone) had PD do the "telstra Underground trench". What does this involve in terms of labour and materials? The…

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