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22 Posts
Junior Member

22Posts4LikesMost Active Topics


Brisbane ACT
Joined 29 January 2024
Junior Member
12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Cost differences between I joists vs posi trusses and is it

If you’re concerned about noise it won’t matter what you use for joists. You need to increase the density of the floor system to improve the sound rating or change…

  ⋅  1
12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Long hallway lighting suggestions

Thanks for the kind words but I can only be half useful.
I’m a bit of a meathead when it comes to all things design and colours.
I’ve attached some…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Overshadowing clarification - planning - SL housing

I am not based in Victoria however i had a quick look into your question to understand what you were asking.
The way I read the regulations, overshadowing relates to the…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
which builder to choose

Hi all, below is a link to a checklist I put together late last year on "Questions to ask potential Builders" before signing a contract.
The checklist is based on Construction…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Long hallway lighting suggestions

On the linear lights - there is an easy way i used to do this in some of the houses i have built (attached detail). I used them in the…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Is swimming pool cost effective to add value to new build?

The last home I lived in didn't have a pool and when i went to sell it the agents were not happy, even telling me to put one in to…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
3m ceilings

I was quoting framing timber sizes from Australian Standard AS1684.4 Table A13 for 2700mm wall heights Tile Roof, single storey. This Australian Standard doesn't refer to LVL in these tables…

3m ceilings
12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Bench top chipped

These can be easily filled and repaired and it doesn't cost them much to do.
Id get the builder to do this first and if the repair is not suitable then…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Building defect - sill flashing under window on concrete sla

There doesn't look to be any rebate in the slab to prevent water from scooting under the window.
AS4654 is the Australian standard to look at/refer to. They have standards details…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Front door issues

AS2047 Section 6 Page 31 speaks to Construction/Tolerances of Windows and external glazed doors in buildings
Check also New South Wales Guide to Standards and Tolerances, i just looked at the…

  ⋅  1
12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Enclosing the space above kitchen cabinets question

You can really use anything you want the main consideration would be how it looks once painted/finished - or the look you want.
Cabinetmakers use MDF because its cheap and easy…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Long hallway lighting suggestions

How long is your hallway?
Make sure that if its over 12m make sure control joints are installed per the Redbook.
Control joints are to be installed:
To coincide with control joints in…

Long hallway lighting suggestions
12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Cracks in slab!

The CSIRO BTF18 explains differnt types of cracks and what "normal" is
Google this and the top result is actually the latest version. You normally have to buy this from the…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
New build - uneven tiles

I hope this help you newhome_24,
AS3958.1 is the Ceramic Tile Installation Standard.
It specifies the tolerances for the installation of tiles.
The tile supplier is responsible to ensure the tiles comply with…

  ⋅  1
12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Sub boards are handy to have inside if the extra cost works for you. This way you can put an Energex padlock on the main meterbox and just refer to…

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12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
3m ceilings

Additional painting costs, additional wall nogg row would be beneficial to install for gyprock sheet fixing.
You might want to upgrade all your internal door sizes to 2400mm insted of…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Building over sewer pipe in Queensland

I think you are getting different numbers because they all just based them on "other jobs" even though each job is unique.
Often, with builders, unless you're speaking to the actual…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Do floor to ceiling tiles ad much resale value

They make the room much easier to clean for one, reflect more light (if light colour tiles are used), and you dont end up with dust on the top edge…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Builder Terminating Building Contract

I am not associated with this law firm other than having them referred to me. They may be able to help or refer you to a partner firm depending on…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Anyone know the process to stain axon cladding

The most definitive answer to your question James is this taken from the James Hardie Axon Cladding Installation Guide - i just happen to have it handy.
Some paint manufacturer’s…

12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
How often do you visit your site?

I would visit weekly at least so you can take pictures, progress pictures.
Be sure to take pictures of around the house slab perimeter and in particular if there is water…

  ⋅  1
12 months12 monthsobiwonobiwon posted:
Building over sewer pipe in Queensland

BOS isnt a big deal. Generally its just deeper bored piers down to something solid on each side of the sewer. There will also be some slab thickening as well.

  ⋅  1



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