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11 months11 monthsolmeri posted:
How to exhaust heat from closed in veranda
How to exhaust heat from closed in veranda
There may be answers here but can't find anything. I have a closed in veranda, four windows. North facing, just had sunblock blinds installed. A bit cooler…
13 years13 yearsolmeri posted:
Trying to imitate 2 pac!!
Trying to imitate 2 pac!!
I had my kitchen doors (marine mdf? - something like that) sprayed with 3 coats automotive paint.
Not done by a kitchen coy - a builder did fit outs for architects.
13 years13 yearsolmeri posted:
Buying plasterboard - Fit to wall or buy large sheets
Buying plasterboard - Fit to wall or buy large sheets
We did most of ours with 6m sheets, a bit of wastage but you could work out where offcuts went. The one big mistake was using offcuts for one…
13 years13 yearsolmeri posted:
Vic - Building in Fire Zone Areas, extra costs and info
Vic - Building in Fire Zone Areas, extra costs and info
When you come to the ember proofing of the roof the options are mineral wool, metal mesh or other metal flashing. If you are doing a steel roof you…
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26 September 2011