Do you know of any other forums re: property development
The best one is http://www.propertyinvesting.com

double glassed windows
It’s great for adding value and comfort.
But you should thing about improving your ventilation. Double glassed windows seal off your house. We are very often called to get rid a…

Mould begone!
Check that the water drains off away from the house and does not stays under the house. After the rain check your underfloor to see of soil is moist. You…

Renovating old aluminium window frames
Powder coating is an application method. Their paint is not much different. But it requires a special spray that can not be hired by law. DIY is not an option…

How can i remove a linseed oil stain from my trex decking
I guess you already tried an old elbow grease method.
I would also try cleaning it with methylates spirit (but do a test somewhere in the corner to ensure it…

Painting Costs
As a very general price guide - count number of rooms/spaces (eg. bedroom, bathroom, toilet, lounge, corridor, stairway) and multiply it by $300+GST. This is a base cost of labour…

Electrical plan, need advise and suggestion
Every builder I’ve dealt with uses own symbols. It’s a bit hard to guess all details. But here’s my 5cents of worth:
• Motion sensor light outside…

mission brown paint
Just make sure you run a lead paint test before stripping paint of! You can get it from Bunnings or a paint shops.
Many pre-1978 properties were painted at some stage…

Re-done my colours..... One more question please!!!!!
Great colour scheme!

Are we doing too much?
Cal in a local real estate agent – ask what is your house worth. Tell him (or her) what you are going to do and ask how much value it…

Where is the best place to sell a new free standing bath?
Ebay, Gumtree, Trading Post.

Ceiling leak ? box guttering & sealants.
Hard to tell. As you said it’s complicated enough to confuse the builder.
Just in case your builder is overseeing something – invest $100 or so in calling another builder or…

Sorry your photo is not showing up.
But from you description - I think you better spraying it. It will give you a good even coverage and will reach all…

House painting - what to ask/process
I’m a painter, but I do lot’s of interstate projects for my investment proeprties for which I’m hiring local painters. I got along a few bumps. Learn from my bad…

"Rusty" apperance growing on our bricks
How strange? Did it came off well?

Cover or rip out Horse Hair Plaster
I would recommend removing old gyprock, so you can straighten up new walls. Old houses often have uneven walls. If you put new gyprock on top it will be untidy…

Burning/Electrical smell in one room only
If it smells like something electrical is burning – it’s because something is burning here! Get electrician before your house burned out. Don’t use power here until he comes.

Painting blueboard fibro
You paint them like any other exterior surface – 3 coats of paint for all bare surfaces.
Most of exterior paints are self primed, so you don’t need a special…

Paint color is different!!
Bunnings is absolutely hopeless!
I do not remember them tinting paint without making a single mistake
You have better chances if to go to the paint shop.
Or at least write…

Renovating old aluminium window frames
Paint it!
You can use powder-coating.
Or spray-painted epoxy paint works very well and will be much cheaper.

plaster water damage - painting ok or need to be replaced?
Depending on how extensive damage is you can dispute the ceiling can be repaired. But you did not build/bought a new house to have a damaged plasterboard! Just insist on…

how many coats
Sounds to me your builder is quoting two coats only.
A new surfaces you need three coats - one undercoat and two final coats.
If it's previously painted - you can go…

how many coats
Make sence to me.
But it dries in few days - you can safely paint after that.

I do have a feature wall! Looks great.
But I picked those 3D textured pattered wallpaper that you paint over the top. It has a bit of retro fill. But…

Tips for Painting a New House
Why do you want to use enamel undercoat? You really only need it if you have to seal stains, water leaks and mould. Otherwise use water based undercoat – it’s…

What colour are your ceilings?
Don't use the pure white for your ceilings.
It will show very clear all imperfections as the paint start ageing – any greasy colours, dust,…

Stained glass (leadlight) to fill hole
I've seem some of those windows done without any reinforcement. Looked like they were quite old and there was no visible damage on the wall.
But ask traders who will quote…

My Garden design - maybe
Nice work!
What trees are they and how big will they grow?
Do they have flowers, drop leaves in winter, change leaves colour in autumn?
It will change the appearance a lot.
Check what…

Removing Internal Walls
Ask a builder for advise!
(or a detail quote?...)

why are new designs like this
It’s believed to be a good idea to place the laundry as close a possible to the main source of dirty closing – bedroom. But you also suppose to…
Painter, renovaitor
Propety investment, renovation, adventure sports