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15 Posts
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Joined 18 February 2023
Junior Member
1 year1 yearonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Control joint missing in concrete driveway

Thanks but I’ve read it in different places saying sawing should be completed within the first six to 18 hours and and never delayed more than 24 hours. So would…

1 year1 yearonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Control joint missing in concrete driveway

Private inspector picked up that in our driveway, control joint exceeds the maximum spacings, and as such, are non-compliant. Its an exposed aggregate concrete in a slightly sloped driveway and…

1 year1 yearonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Certificates during construction or handover

Thanks. I can see the list of certificates which are required as part of final inspection in the decision notice.

1 year1 yearonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Certificates during construction or handover

What certificates builder are required to provide to us during construction or handover in QLD? So far I have only received Plumbing Final Inspection certificate from BCC and Form 21…

2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Liquidated damages

I mean it is now at 95% complete. The whole build progress has been like this hence even after 18 months we are not into our home yet. They are…

2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Liquidated damages

I know I have to fight.. i'm prepared to spend $2K to lawyer out of that 15K lol

2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Liquidated damages

Yeah, I don't really understand any benefit builder are going to have dragging it this slow.
Received a few EOTs, accepted some legit ones and had to get lawyer involved to…

2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Liquidated damages

Its 10 months... $50 x 30 x 10 = roughly $15000
Its 95% complete.. Builder has been promising to have PC soon since ages.. hopefully we can have by the end…

2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Liquidated damages

That line was from contract.

Liquidated damages
2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Liquidated damages

Thanks. We will be careful not to accept PC prematurely until contracted work is completed.
We will definitely deduct LD from the final invoice as it has totaled upto more than…

2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Liquidated damages

We have been waiting impatiently for the completion of our house since 18 months and will be claiming liquidated damages. We have a QBCC contract and it mentions $50 per…

2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Practical completion of house with a pool

Builder is getting OC and I also beleive Pool work should be part of practical completion.
I will definitely be mindful there will be enough money left over to cover it.

2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Practical completion of house with a pool

We are building a house with a pool and nearing completion after 15 months. Our pool is also part of the same house contract and we only have a concrete…

2 years2 yearsonni.palasteonni.palaste posted:
Practical completion of house with a pool

We are building a house with a pool and nearing completion after 15 months. Our pool is also part of the same house contract and we only have a concrete…

Joined homeone
18 February 2023

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