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Melbourne - Nth Suburbs
Joined 1 April 2007
Bronze Member
16 years16 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Bulkheads and raised floors for a home theatre

Sorry - it was my builder.

16 years16 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Bulkheads and raised floors for a home theatre

I'm sure i paid less than $2000 for two tiers of raised floor, and a complicated bulkhead in my theater

16 years16 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Another which ducted air con to use thread

our living room has its flat ceiling of 4.5 m, then the dining is cathedral topping at 4.5m as well. Both also have high windows (double glazed). So this is…

16 years16 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Another which ducted air con to use thread

ours is 18kw in a ~38sq home
i slightly underspecced. Down stairs rarely needs cooling as it is part underground (theatre). the house heats up fine, although we never activate every…

16 years16 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Another which ducted air con to use thread

Actron is locally made and supported (QLD). I have the Livezi which is the same system essentially, just a different badge. In heating mode it barely ever raises beyond 30%…

16 years16 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Schweigen rangehoods

I have a Schweigen and its very good. problem is we leave it on too often not realising. we have a large open plan living-kitchen-dining and we're very happy with…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Carpet for Hme Theatre

As posted here I'm building a new HT.
See the link for pics.
It has been painted now and it is as dark as I had hoped.…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Help with choosing our new plasma...

I've got just a bit more to add. My point was that the spec itself is not a consideration, that the performance, and image quality was the consideration.
No you shouldn't…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Our House

Mrs B, are they solid timber Blackbutt boards? If so, which flooring co. did you use? I'm currently finalising our timber floors.

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Help with choosing our new plasma...

So basically you're agreeing with what I say - that it comes down to image quality of one vs another.
I always say, don't buy the specs, buy the image.
Also -…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Help with choosing our new plasma...

not sure I agree Rod. If it is not about picture quality, why even consider 1080p as a criteria for purchase?
If looking at two Samsungs that have the same picture…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Smart Wiring House in Telstra Velocity Estate

I wired my house similarly.
whilst i did the theatre myself, the other rooms my builder's electrician did.
So, I would suggest that a regular sparky is going to be capable of…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Help with choosing our new plasma...

resolution is a poor measure of how good a tv is or whether it is future proof.
Many non 'full' HD panels have a far, far better image than the equivalent…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Advantage Air - Has anyone got this system ????

I looked very closely at the advantage air system but ended up settling on a Livezi system.
The main reason being that the advantage air system is older technology in terms…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Kitchen appliances - where to start?

I went for an ilve 90cm upright. Mainly because it was the only 90 upright that we could find with two wok burners. its only available at clive peters think.…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
installing tv and an antenna

One other thing. If you've ordered Pioneer plasmas make sure they include the 5 year warranty. Pioneer are going back to a 1 year warranty at the moment so try…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
my theatre in construction - update (with PICS!)

yeah - all the gear is pretty much what I already have. I may decide to go inwall for the rears though. We'll see. Throw distance has been measured. Its…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Future Home Theater Room. Please Help!!!

The subwoofer cable is used to send the signal from the amplifier to the subwoofer

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Future Home Theater Room. Please Help!!!

yes you will need an amplifier
the cabling above covers it (5.1/7.1 - is the speaker cabling)

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Future Home Theater Room. Please Help!!!

I would get all three. Wireless audio is mostly garbage.
item one, (RGB component, composite, Cat5) are more optional than anything else that is listed there. Although I'm not sure I'd…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
my theatre in construction - update (with PICS!)

Thanks Casa.
The room is about 4.8 by 6.2m less the plaster etc. The most important thing in theatre size design is to avoid having a square shaped room!
i can't…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
my theatre in construction - update (with PICS!)

The screen will be 110" diagonal (just shy of 2.5m wide). Not sure where the cinemas get their carpets. Will have to have a look around. Have seen some decent…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:

I'm 99% sure those are PDL Modena 800 switches (which we'll also be getting)

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
my theatre in construction - update (with PICS!)

back from the site today. Theatre is coming along nicely.
Tiered floor has been installed. My bulkhead is complete except for the trapdoor for the projector and the front of…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Acoustic Treatments..thoughts?

I think these are a great idea and will probably end up doing something similar or same in my theatre.
Another important point is that in order to best know what…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Light switches and power points

we went for PDL Modena 800 for both lights and power points. Only a couple of hundred for the upgrade & we like it being a little different than usual

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
$20,000 per square builder

also consider fasham johnson, franson homes, inform.
i used to like grollo but i now find it too commercial / concretey*
*yes i did just make that word up!

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Our dream home - progress pics

yes - it is for the projector. This way you won't hear or see the projector from the seating position.
Also good for the audio as the more unusual angles in…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Our dream home - progress pics

lol, eventually.
I deleted the oven after contract signing. They just wanted too much for the footings. This way I have all their engineering drawings and can do it as a…

17 years17 yearspasey25pasey25 posted:
Our dream home - progress pics

Hi Paula,
yes we are building with Fasham. A fairly good experience so far. Most of my complaints are cost related, but not surprising I guess.

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