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Joined 8 February 2009
Gold Member
10 years10 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Owner building in Jimboomba

Hahaha ... I haven't been on here for a looooong time ... was looking for something and found your thread ... never noticed the location before? :D

10 years10 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Owner building in Jimboomba

Jimboomba Woods is AWESOME ... sorry you had to move in next to the crazies though!!! We think they must have connections with council or something?!? Best of…

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Ourhome - working on the boat shaped sandpit.

Nice decal ourhome ... I'm really into anything with owls at the moment and that one is lovely ::

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
custom design dual home with Bundy Homes - Nearly there!

WOW :shock: That looks awesome :z: Hope you do get in before christmas!

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
At Last we are starting

Nice work :: Looking forward to seeing the end result!

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
A & E's House! Pg 85 - a year or 2 worth of updates 11/12/14

She knows how to strike a pose ... very cute ::smile::

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Tamara1975 - Moved in - A few pics :)

Looking good Tamara :: ... so nice to finally put things in their place isn't it?
Have to look for this one :z:

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
At Last we are starting

"Never ending" is right ... but at least you are getting stuff done ::smile:: We've been in our home just over a year and…

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

Wow I love your laundry cabinets ... wish I had some ::sad::
YES it does!!!! :: ::

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
The Gilletts crazy dream- sideway nearly there pics

SO NICE! :: Wish my bedroom looked like that ... stupid landscaping :roll:

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Home made artwork?? Anyone tried it??

They're great Carmel! DD4 thought the one with the blood was "goooooood" and she loved the bubbles (circles) ::smile::

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Home made artwork?? Anyone tried it??

Hey Victoria ... I agree with everyone else ... yours looks so much better than the Adairs canvas ... GREAT JOB! ::

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Chat – For all things in decorating

Nice work Dee ... looks very "homely" ::

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics

That's very considerate of you but seeing as how my DH will be there I don't think it'll make much of a difference ::sad::

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics

Hope you feel better soon RF!

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

OMG!!! Very, very, very, very NICE ... can't wait to see more!

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Tamara1975 - Moved in - A few pics :)

Very nice Tamara! Love how your kitchen is looking ::kissed:: Friends of mine have also built with Coral and just got the keys…

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
:) Kiwis home: Moved in & lovin it! :)

Photo wall looks great BUT why are all the photos in nice frames except your wedding ones :n: I'm sure your hubby thinks he's…

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
:) Kiwis home: Moved in & lovin it! :)

LOVE this ... but ... are you missing another question mark??? ::wink::
BTW ... thanks for the dinodirect link ... NOT! I spent nearly an…

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics

Good on you RF!
:: :: ::

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Chat – For all things in decorating

+1 ... very nice :D

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Our Preston @ the 'Coast'

I love the first photo ... they look so good! My DD4 decorates my lounge room just like the last photo :roll: then…

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics

Not hard at all ... I'm an expert at it ... don't tell DH :sh: :lol:

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
What's for dinner?

Well it wasn't for dinner but this is what we had for dessert ... Sticky-date Pudding with butterscotch sauce ... and ice cream ...

What's for dinner?
13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics

Hahaha ... is it THAT bad Dee :D

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics

Yep, I know what you mean ... when my family finally came to visit (one sister STILL hasn't and she only lives 20mins away ::frown:: )…

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Our Preston @ the 'Coast'

Landscaping - arghhhh, it never ends, bills too! Hopefully it'll all come together. Our front yard used to be a mountain of dirt, now it's a flat piece…

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Our Preston @ the 'Coast'

Hey cooped ... we've been here just over a year and home is still standing which is always a good thing! In between landscaping and BILLS ::frown::

13 years13 yearsPebblesPebbles posted:
Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics

Okay ... I just flicked through about 80 pages of this thread and I LOVE your house ... especially the verandah and your kiddies are gorgeous ::kissed::



Hi All
We're long-time-lurkers first-time-building. I found this forum a couple of months ago and was addicted from the beginning - DH is getting jealous D





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Owner building in Jimboomba
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