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352 Posts
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352PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 8 April 2008
Gold Member
15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Tips for a new pond owner

We have a pond in our garden that the previous owners put in. It is lined with black plastic and has plants and duck weed floating on the surface. We…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
custom bunk bed needed

My sons new room will be quite small (2.4 x 2.9) as such we want a custom bunk as head height in that room is also an issue we cant…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Indian ritual before moving into a house

Thanks everyone it seems to be a simple ceremony with a small shrine and the boilng and drinking of milk. We have no problem with it if it helps them…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Indian ritual before moving into a house

Thanks everyone. I will ask the RE to ask what it entails before giving a final ok. We have specified that both he and we must be in the house…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Indian ritual before moving into a house

I don't mind actually especially as it seems important to them and I am prepared to respect their customs after all it will be their new home. I was just…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Indian ritual before moving into a house

The people who have purchased our home have asked to be allowed to come in to perform a ritual on a particular day.
Does anyone know what this is or…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Clover sale - East Bentleigh

I do see it is in the Mckinnon school zone which does make a difference but still you can buy a very nice house in that zone for less than…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Clover sale - East Bentleigh

They are crazy prices you can buy a house in East Bentleigh on that size land for less than 740k.

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
How long before a property goes stale

When you say enclave do you mean a gated community in a larger estate (like Sanctuary Lakes or similar?)

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
My house for sale

How is it all going for you Sharee. There has been a definate flattening in the market in the last few weeks. Perhaps this will subside once all the big…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Cheapest Home and Contents Vic

I have had good dealings with Budget had to make claims on the car and they were fast and professional having said that I did an online quote with Bingle…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Cheapest Home and Contents Vic

We are moving and I thought I would ask if anyone could reccomend an insurer in Melbourne. We are currently with GIO never had to make a claim. Just thought…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
How to improve this facade? PIC

They are more brown in reality

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
How to improve this facade? PIC

Ok I know it is a tragic choc brick villa unit thing lol but we want to make the front look nicer. We would prefer to keep the brick as…

How to improve this facade? PIC
15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
My house for sale

We had 3 groups through which we thought was bad but the agent said it was the busiest one of the weekend. He said it was a flat weekend overall.…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
My house for sale

Sharee our home is also open for the first time this weekend and we are also bidding at auction. Eeekkk

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
My house for sale

I think it looks lovely I love your bedroom.
Good luck with the sale looks like we will both be needing a valium this saturday!

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Our home is on the market tips for presentation (pics incl)

Thanks guys. Apparently there has been quite a bit of interest first open saturday and I am very nervous as we are also bidding at an auction that morning. Don't…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Just wanted to share our new garden pics from start 2 finish

We have actually found the kids use the garden more. They ride their bikes along the path ways and love jumping across the stones and along the wall. IF we…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Just wanted to share our new garden pics from start 2 finish

Thanks again
There was a concrete slab down before the pavers went down but they were concreted into place.
The wall is a dry stone wall so no concrete just pieced together…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Just wanted to share our new garden pics from start 2 finish

He will be delighted to hear such positive feedback. He doesnt know I posted them on here but I will show him this thread.

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Our home is on the market tips for presentation (pics incl)

Thanks guys yes I forgot about the bananas oops at least they werent all brown lol. Will turn the pillow I wasnt sure about it so thanks that confirms it

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Our home is on the market tips for presentation (pics incl)

Hi everyone
I thought I would ask for some inspiration on here. I have had our professional pics taken for our house to go on the market and I am happy…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Just wanted to share our new garden pics from start 2 finish

awwww thanks guys. I think he just wants to pass out for about a week It was all done start to finish in about 5 weeks he did take 2…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Just wanted to share our new garden pics from start 2 finish

I started a bit of a photo album as hubby landscaped our garden. I am amazed and what he has achieved and think it looks wonderful so just wanted to…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
How to make your home smell nice for inspections

LOL thanks everyone I always open the windows every morning and will shut them just before I leave. I hear you on the cooking smells. I do have one of…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Open for inspection - Selling our home to build.

Congratulations on selling your home I hope you enjoy choosing everything for your new home.
Is Barbara's Home & Gift an online store

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Open for inspection - Selling our home to build.

Ooh glad I stumbled across this thread. We have agents coming in 4 days and we are preparing our house for inspections. It is hard as we are in a…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
How to make your home smell nice for inspections

I have read the coffee baking tips but as I have 3 kids I need to clean the house and get out early on inspection days.
Can anyone reccomend a nice…

15 years15 yearspenny73penny73 posted:
Reccs for natural turf suppliers Melbourne

Thanks for the tips we ended up with couch (we are selling our home so wanted something cheap and we live in Sanctuary Lakes and it is what is used…

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