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Adelaide SA
Joined 13 February 2011
Gold Member
6 years6 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Drain In Kitchen For Wall Oven

We're building a new house and we have said that we will supply our own appliances with the builder to install them.
We have specified a "plumbed" steam oven in the…

6 years6 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Plumbing - How to use rainwater

We're building a new home (trenches digging as we speak) and are required to have a rainwater tank.
I need to talk to the plumber about how I want the house…

6 years6 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
RF lightswitch retaining manual functionality

I'm making this up as I go along, but I'm thinking that you've got a simple "Two way switching" situation, like we have in our hallway..........
A light switch at either…

7 years7 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

LED strips under the kitchen overheads and as a feature under the Island Benchtop .....................
Yeah, OK, blame "The Block" and just about every 'modern' display home, but Mrs P_D wants…

7 years7 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
LED lights in shower niches

I could imagine at that stage, you could possibly damage the water proofing and create a huge job to rectify the same. :(<br />
This stage is a vacant block…</p></div><div class=  ⋅  1

7 years7 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
LED lights in shower niches

I keep hearing "But it's unsafe" but no-one is suggesting that they're going to use a cheap Chinese bed-side lamp in the shower area !!
I was thinking, off the top…

7 years7 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
LED lights in shower niches

Hi Mrs JM.....
How did you get the power to the LED strips and where are the drivers ??

7 years7 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
LED lights in shower niches

Is it really unsafe if it's extra low voltage LEDs and the driver is placed securely away in a waterproof location ?

8 years8 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Design my TV Setup :)

Hi Guys, We're getting close to signing for a new build and have the plans just about ready to go to council.
We've allowed a space on one of the Family…

9 years9 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Do water pipes in walls need silicone added to holes studs?

Could you be a little more specific about just where your anger is directed ?
More to the point, do you agree or disagree with the OP putting silicon (hopefully neutral…

9 years9 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
How far can a stud be notched?

While we're on the topic.................
I want to run a few 'conduits' in the walls of a new build for future home entertainment wiring.
I've 'found' the AS referenced above (thanks unistudent123)…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Our Blackwood Park hacienda

The story so far ..........
We're getting a builder to quote on our own plan.
We have engaged an interior designer (who also happens to have a builders licence) to help us…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Our Blackwood Park hacienda

Well yes and no !!
I just opened my email and saw two items of interest, one from homeone saying that there was a new post in this thread, and a…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Before you sign .........

Again, Congratulations on getting the block you wanted !!!
Just remember, You guys are holding the cards now, once you sign things you only lose power, not gain it !!!
All the…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Just tick all the boxes and worry about the cost later..............
It'll be an awesome house :D :D

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Plumbing behind fridge - affect the depth?

Oh sorry, Not stirring at all EmyN :o !!
As I said, we're pigeon-pair people so it's not an issue for us, but I was thinking that…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Plumbing behind fridge - affect the depth?

From reading this thread, yes nice, but possibly more sensible if it was (in a alcove / niche) in the cupboard next to the fridge ?

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Maintaining good air quality in an energy-efficient house?

Venting a kitchen fan into the ceiling space has been illegal for at least ten years.
Venting a bathroom fan into the ceiling space is not recommended as you will end…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Maintaining good air quality in an energy-efficient house?

There are several heat exchangers (HX) available now at a (semi) reasonable price with around 90% efficiency.
They take (cold air) in from the outside and "dump" it into your house…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
What makes cabinets good quality? What questions to ask?

Thanks Mod, sometimes things do get out of hand and need the steadying hand of a Mod, as thankless a task as it may be !!!
Could I please respectfully ask…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Plumbing behind fridge - affect the depth?

On a totally unrelated note to the plumbing, reading this thread and going through our design, we're probably not going to have water to the fridge (we like the fridge…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Before you sign .........

This is of course correct, Indeed it's pretty close to what I said ...............

WOW !!!
Thanks Guys, so many posts in such a short time !!!
However, while we're getting…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Before you sign .........

My response would be ...........
Me....."We want to do the colour appointment and get the costings back before we sign the contract"
Sales Consultant.."We don't do it that way"
Me..."OK, Thanks for your…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Building with Rendition

Thanks, Didn't know that !!

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Before you sign .........

There are a few stages to building your new house ......
1) You wake up one morning and decide to build a new house
2) You spend the next few months driving…

  ⋅  2
11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Before you sign .........

This thread is complementary to the "Things you forget" thread ............
The above thread is a great resource for things you need to consider when planning your…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Building with Rendition

Seaford ??
Anyhow, we built our (existing) home with AV Jennings 24 years ago, and about 10 years ago we built a home with Hickinbotham for the In-Laws.
I still have all…

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Building with Rendition

You have of course read this ?? :)

11 years11 yearsPepsi_DrinkerPepsi_Drinker posted:
Building with Rendition

We're at the stage of being 98% of the way to receiving our final price from Rendition for a plan of my own design.
Our sales consultant has left Rendition and…

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