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142 Posts
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142PostsMost Active Topics


Perth, WA
Joined 7 December 2006
Senior Member
17 years17 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Finally its ours

A big congartulations to you! I have been tracking your progress on the blog and am so glad to hear you finally have the keys!
I'm glad to hear the liquid…

17 years17 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Carlisle Home - Progress...

Wow Matt! I can't believe how much your house has progressed since I last logged on! It's looking fantastic!
Do you mind me asking what colour that feature wall in the…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Blue Feature Wall with Chocolate Colour Scheme??

Thanks for the input Michelle!
Sorry my first post was a a bit confusing...the feature walls the colour consultant suggested aren't blue...they are dark browns & greys but I was wondering…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Our Dream Home

I LOVE that kitchen benchtop! Is that a CesarStone colour?

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
How big is your mortgage?

Not fair Michelle! Do you want to share mine :D

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Blue Feature Wall with Chocolate Colour Scheme??

Hi there
Hoping someone may be on the same wave length as me!!!
Our new house has a predominately beige/mocha/brown colour scheme....the main wall colour throughout is Taubmans Beige Chalk (T122-3) which…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Cornice issues

Just wondering how you went with this? Any outcome?

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Colours - Kitchen, Bathroom & Walls!!!

Yes Adrian it's a very yummy colour!!!! :lol:
Lyn - they haven't renovated the minor bedrooms yet so they haven't been painted....although they have done…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Cornice issues

What a pain!
If it was me I would contact the builders first thing Monday morning...tell them what has occured and see what they say.....and then make a decision based on…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
They Have Finally Finished....

I'm not sure what happened to my photo's - they were here before! I'll post up some new ones next week when the roof is finished!
Tania - the 6 weeks…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Colours - Kitchen, Bathroom & Walls!!!

Hi Lyn
My friend has just renovated a place and and painted the walls in Wattyl Turkish Bread - it looks fantastic! It is a really nice warm colour - not…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Bedroom locations for young children

I think that there are pro's and cons to each...but if you are planning on staying there for awhile think about the long terms rather than just the baby stage!

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Round or Square Vanity Basins

We are going for round! But I like the square as well :D

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Our Dream Home

Looking very nice :D
We have also chosen stipple seal but for our bathroom & laundry - must be a popular colour at the…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
How long does a Slab take to 'settle?'

Ours was 4 weeks between slab down and bricks...but we are building a double brick home in Perth so no frame for us!!

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Our progress so far **updated 9/9**

That's looking fantastic! Love the roof!

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
and then there were more!

Wow they are very deep!!!
Glad to hear things have started well for you :D

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Home Time

That's looking great and what a beautiful location :D

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
A collage of construction...

Looks great :D
You must have alot of spare time on your hands.......even with twins!!!!

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
JG King and other questions

Hi Tracey
Welcome to the forum!
I can't help you with builder questions because I'm based in Perth but good luck deciding!
I don't think the ensuite and other bathroom have to be…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Heaps of progress!!

Wow Wow Wow!

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Cosmopolitan Homes, Sydney

You can never have too much storage! I really like the plan.....good luck with it all!
I still can't believe how affordable double storey homes are to build in the Eastern…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Fluid Limestone

Wow $175 per sqm!!! I thought $60 per sqm was rough!!! Though we have over 200 sqm to do so its still pretty expensive
Why is it so expensive in Sydney?…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
New member - home build questions

Timbo has summed up my 2 experiences with * perfectly!
They build a good quality home without the frills basically!
But you can upgrade and still get a better value…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:

Love it :D

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
New member - home build questions

Hi there
I have been meaning to replpy to your post for awhile but have just found the time!
I'm another Perth person - we are building for the 3rd time. First…

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:

A start is a start! Congratulations! :D
BTW, Nice house plan!
Good Luck

18 years18 yearsperthgirlperthgirl posted:
Feature Wall locations

I love feature walls :D
Though I think the trick is to still have some uniformity in the colour choices and not have too…

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