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Joined 23 January 2009
Gold Member
15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
FU...Where are you???

Sure was raked in.
I really just need to know if it's ok to mow it already? I can't seem to find any info online so was
hoping for some…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
FU...Where are you???

So what was your verdict on the grass??? Is it looking ok, not too bad, great??? What do I need to do from
here on in apart from getting…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
FU...Where are you???

Hey Fairy Blue it's been a while hasn't it?! I need to catch up with what everyone's been doing, I can't
seem to find enough time now, this house never…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
FU...Where are you???

Bahahahahaha funny funny!
ANYONES help is always appreciated! :) ::smile::

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
FU...Where are you???

Hi Fu,
Just after a little bit of advice regarding my lawn please...
Below is my lawn planted 3 weeks ago and I am curious as to when to mow it and…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Defective concrete...ONC please help.

Hi onc not harsha t all, I appreciate your input.
I believe he meant he was going to grind out the cracks and repair them, not the control joints and then

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
More Fencing Drama's!

Just going through this also...
As per the fences act 1968 you are legally abliged to issue a "Notice of intent to erect boundary fence" letter to your neighbours sent via…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Defective concrete...ONC please help.

Hi Lex concretor supplied materials and labour. I have spoken to him today and he has told me he will
grind them out a bit more and use a product called…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Defective concrete...ONC please help.

Hey Onc not sure what ya mean by "tiles", it's def' concrete it's just chipped away at the corner, LEX is spot on.
cclarity to be completly honest I can't remember,…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Defective concrete...ONC please help.

What do you mean?

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Defective concrete...ONC please help.

No Suh it's not good, I could cry!
I ain't going down without fighting though, it won't be staying like that I can tell you that right now!
The gloves are on...hahahaha

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Defective concrete...ONC please help.

Hi Onc and other homeone members,
Here I am, 2 months after moving into our lovely new home with a huge disapointment with the perimiter concrete. We decided to go with…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Show me your kitchen...

WOWZEEEZ Thumper thats a stunning kitchen, love, love, love the floor boards, my god, thats actually
the HOTEST kitchen I have EVER seen, well done, you must be so proud, I…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
looking for this light... its discontinued! :(

Contact Mica, they are really helpful and may still be able to get it in, if its something that thay
have stocked in the past.

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Quote on house- opinions please....

They may have allowed enough $$$, but it may be a "budget" style home and therefore you may have hidden
costs if you want to upgrade on things that they have…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:

We re-drawed on the mortgage on our old place with the equity, to be able to renovate,
no big deal and bank told us what our payments would increase to.

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
A rant about dark roofs !

Hmmmm very interesting read.
Our roof colour is "Loft", so a mid dark tone I guess, we have R4.1 insulation in the roof and get quiet
a few 40+ degrees days here.…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
What brand of tv do I want?

We have just ordered the same tv and I was wondering if you have mounted yours on a wall. My OH thinks it will be very simple to do and…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
What brand of tv do I want?

We have a 55" Samsung LED and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it, it's awsome! Well worth their money as far
as I am concerned! :z:

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
3 months maintenance

We moved in just over a week ago and did not recieve a "list" as such, as to what the builder will and will not
cover within our 3 month period,…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Tiles vs floorboards

We are completly in love with our new floating timber floors, we don't have dogs inside, nor do we or our visitors wear shoes inside, so these were non issues…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
opinions needed!!!

I don't mind them but prob not something I would put in a childs bedroom! :wink:

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Christmas countdown - who else is hoping to be in?

We made it too, such a lovely feeling, albeit extremly busy!

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Pinkfairys GJG dreamhome...Handover booked tomorrow @ 1pm!!!

YEs handover now complete, couldn't believe it 10mins after I posted I got a call from the bank telling me to haul *** in there and pick up my cheque,…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Pinkfairys GJG dreamhome...Handover booked tomorrow @ 1pm!!!

Well it's 12.30pm here, handover booked for 1.00pm, bank still hasn't sent a simple FREAKING email
to my local branch with instructions as to settlement, this is rediculous, don't think it's…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Pinkfairys GJG dreamhome...Handover booked tomorrow @ 1pm!!!

Long time since last post, I know! Lots and lots has happened, best of all...
Yay to me, hopefully, I know how these things…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
What are you sick of seeing?

This is a great thread, very interesting, thanks EKT for a great read. :D

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Your Home

My very first home I bought was 25sqs, 4bdrm, 1 bathroom on 2 acres, I had 2 young children and
was quiet young myself.
Our second home, which is what…

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
What are you sick of seeing?

Another one NOT a fan of red, we are going to have splashes of purple, hopefully in a contempory way,
not in an 80's way! :lol:

15 years15 yearspinkfairymagicpinkfairymagic posted:
Straw Bale homes

My mums best friend built her house with straw bails, owner builder and took them 5yrs... :lol:
They are just slack, it doesn't have to take…

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