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317 Posts
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Joined 6 March 2009
Silver Member
8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Fiberglass pool installation in perth

Reading online I have read that people have had quiet a few issues with this equipment, but then all the pool companies are providing this equipment.
IME, that stuff just doesn't…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Help. Want to put a wood board on a bed.

They offer that as a service and they will charge you for cutting it.

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Quality and Price of Bunnings/Masters vs Specialty Stores

It is bashing when you say , as Joker did, to avoid Bunnings under all circumstances.
where did I say that? I noted in my post some of the exceptions. The…

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8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
wood heaters - inbuilt. for large area

Anyone else having trouble seeing video?
I saw it no problem

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Quality and Price of Bunnings/Masters vs Specialty Stores

"Wells that interesting, the way Joker and Piscean bash Bunnings."
The op was looking for honest feedback, how is that bashing? People are just posting their own experience for the op's…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Quality and Price of Bunnings/Masters vs Specialty Stores

I've bought a few bathroom fittings through bunnings in the past and had to return them because honestly, they were sh!t! and leaked. waste of time. Have bought from specialty…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Dilemma - fence blew down....

" dilemma is whether we approach the neighbours and ask if they want to chip in? Or, do we just go ahead and wear the cost ourselves."
If it was just…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
5 year wait..fact or pure fiction??

I don't think it's worth trying to skip on planning approval, better to just get it approved and be done with it. I know with my council, pretty much anything…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
HIGH Elecrical Usage

"We are a two person household and our usage is higher than our suburbs average for a 4 person family."
I don't pay any attention to those graphs on the bills,…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Gap at top of bathroom window

It's done for ventilation and venting in these areas. If you cover it, you may find that there is an airlock type effect, iow, the toilet door is harder to…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
why dont major building companies let you alter anything?

Unfortunately none of the suppliers we deal with have any round windows as part of their range, and we cannot use anything supplied by customers because of the warranty implications.

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Hardenbergia comptoniana - How far spaced to hide fence?

There are probably a lot out there that aren't quite as large and vigorous as the comptoniana. Just from experience alone though, I like the star jasmine (non native) because…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Hardenbergia comptoniana - How far spaced to hide fence?

I'd do 1.5m to 2m spacing. They tend to grow up more than out. They do like lots of sunlight though. I had it growing up trellising on the west…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Granny flats law need to be change in Victoria

"What would work is the ability to build a granny flat on the provision that it is rented out to people on low incomes, via a housing association for about…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Which roof is best? Colorbond v. Tile

much easier ways to break into a house than going to that much trouble. Even if they manage to get on the roof, find the manhole, don't hurt themselves jumping…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Creating an entryway

It depends on how much space you can sacrifice. You really only need a screen placed to the open side, and it doesn't need to be solid as the angle…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Landscaping and planting advice frangipani tree?

Frangipani's are easy to prune and control, they are also slow growing and they don't have huge roots that are going to damage a driveway. I think it will be…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Does Anyone Know What This Means?

It sounds like they've allowed an extra 14 days for the build time to allow for bad weather, and have used up 4 of them.

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Mole crickets in new lawn

Agree with althom, that would be my first suspicion too. That "flattened" area also looks like lack of water

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Mole crickets in new lawn

I wouldn't assume it is the mole crickets doing the damage. I've had them for about 5 years now and haven't noticed any damage to the lawn or garden so…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:

I was about to post something similar. What they want is a lock that when locked by key can not be simply opened by flicking a latch from the inside.…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Gift for the builder

second the alcohol suggestion.

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Blocking up a chimney

If you aren't going to burn fires in it then you can just block the top of the chimney off. When we bought our house the actual fireplace opening was…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Identify these rocks/pebbles

The picture isn't super clear but it does look like bluemetal. It would make sense as a filler surrounding some pavers or stepping stones since it's not real comfortable to…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
My First Investment Property - Help Needed

" if I painted it white like the Windows do you think it would be to much? .. Just thinking a white fence might be a little to bright??"
Here in…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
My First Investment Property - Help Needed

I also like the timber trim in the bathroom (wainscoting), it's a nice period feature. It does look nice painted white though (would probably be the only colour I would…

8 years8 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Are young Australians Missing Out

I agree. I remember being young and basically renting places not because they were nice (that was never expected) but because they were cheap. You shared with people you didn't…

9 years9 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Ideas needed.

It would also be a good idea to get a couple of re agents out and see what they think. If they are experienced they should have a good idea…

9 years9 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Damn weed won't die

yep, that'll do it :)

9 years9 yearspisceanpiscean posted:
Ideas needed.

IMO, if you want to keep your equity then it may be best to do as little as possible, make do, and sell when you are ready and move into…

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6 March 2009

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