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The Ponds, Sydney
Joined 5 March 2009
Gold Member
15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
not another Wisdom Impression 38MkII -- our aquarium :P

oh WOW!!!!!!! Love those sparkly mosaics in the ensuite shower niche!!! ::kissed:: Facade looks great, too!
Your rangehood is a Mazda! :P *note…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Prosperity in Spring Farm...Our bubby is here!

WOOHOO!!! :z: 1 more sleep!!! :z:
Are you guys moving in tomorrow or just taking your time? Hope it all goes well,…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
not another Wisdom Impression 38MkII -- our aquarium :P

Yay for tiles!!! :: Looking GREAT, guys! Love the main floor tiles...and the bathroom mosaics!! Your bath looks awesome! Can't wait to see it grouted

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Ouch! How's that for gratitude? :lol:
I think waylow should go buy a big cake tonight, of which Fee2 shall be permitted to have none

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Waterside Aspiration 32mk2 *ITS ALL OURS 10/03!!*

Wow! Your bricks look good enough to eat! I love the colour combo!!!!
Here's hoping you get some walls for Christmas :D

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Providence 24 in Middleton Grange *The End*

Wow Jordann! Blink and you have a whole house!! :lol: Looks great!!!
I must say the gyprock was the best bit - finally getting a feel for…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Prosperity in Spring Farm...Our bubby is here!

Sorry to hear about your bank troubles guys. I think I now officially hate banks more than I hate real estate agents and dentists :x

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Thanks so much for all of your kind comments everyone. We're pretty damn happy with our house ::lol::
Now that we have the keys, the tiling…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
What do I need for first home owners grant?

Usually the JP or whoever is certifying the copy can just put their stamp on the first page and certify that the front page "and the following pages" are…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Thanks for the lovely comments, guys! :)
Geeeez, there's just no pleasing some people, is there? I give and you want more!!!I have some Subway cookies…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Thanks so much cielly, Nav, Fee2 & Mtfranklin!
Hey! We're not **! We only found out ourselves 18 hours beforehand!!! :lol:
Here are some pics, by popular…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Thanks heaps for your kind comments Jordann, gkj, Loretta, Sanderling & andy_min!
We'll try and get a few photos tonight, but we'll save the uber montage for a couple of weeks…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Prosperity in Spring Farm...Our bubby is here!

Woohoo! Fab news!!! Only 7 more sleeps in the garage :wink:

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Prosperity in Spring Farm...Our bubby is here!

Good luck, guys! Hope it all goes well :D

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

We are pleased to announce that we are officially home owners for the first time!! ::lol::
We picked up the keys to our beautiful new house…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Foxtel / Internet in The Ponds

It's a suburb.

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Prosperity in Spring Farm...Our bubby is here!

Wow! Looking FAB, guys!
The shower screens look awesome! Good job :D

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

::stop:: :wink:
Oh well, so long as it is all sorted! Doesn't change my opinion about DL, though!

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Are you serious?! OMG! :x
We've got polished porcelain on the floor and ceramic on the walls. Our floor ones are definitely porcelain - dad's seen…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

That, and ANZ are stupid monkeys :x
Our a/c just died at work ::cry:: Melllll-tinnnnnnnnnnnng!!!!!

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Thanks, 1sttimer. Well, if the valuation happens today, that'll be the 4th business day, and we've already been hassling them and organised to collect the cheque from the branch! So,…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Being called a monkey is the least of his problems! :lol:

Well, the final invoice from Wisdom was only received on Tuesday and ANZ apparently have…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

As expected, the bank is taking their sweet effing time in organising the final payment. We could have had the keys by now because the house is ready to go!

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Waterside Aspiration 32mk2 *ITS ALL OURS 10/03!!*

Looking great!! ::
Thanks for all of the awesome monkey photographer shots :D I sure as hell wasn't going to…

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Prosperity in Spring Farm...Our bubby is here!

Great news, guys! ::
10 more fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly :wink:

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Costs for Variations

We got charged $500 for each post-contract variation.
Certainly pays to get it right the first time :wink:

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Providence 24 in Middleton Grange *The End*

Until you need a driveway!!!!! :z:

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Providence 24MKII - Keys Friday 13th :o)

Congratulations once again!!! How exciting!!!!
Sounds like you're all organised! Wishing you lots of happiness and wonderful new memories in your beautiful new house :D

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Thanks, everyone!!!!
Not holding our breath as ANZ have recently laid off the majority of their mortgage documentation team and have outsourced it to Bangalore, FFS :roll:

15 years15 yearsprincipessaprincipessa posted:
Our Wisdom Impression 33 MkII - Got the keys. Tiling started

Thanks, Sanderling! Great minds :D
We found ourselves in the same position to begin with, then that wave of pesky single storeys that started months…

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