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Joined 11 May 2014
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9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
LED Downlights and Dimmers - My Experience

Extension cords and power boards in the roof as far as I know are not common practice.

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
LED Downlights and Dimmers - My Experience

Now don't quote me on this as i'm not an electrician.
A plug base is just a 3 pin socket like the following http://www.bunnings.com.au/hpm-clear-10 ... l_p4330648

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
LED Downlights and Dimmers - My Experience

Thanks for your advice!
We ordered 80 of the 900 bright green lights too, in warm white, they were on special on their official site. Did you use them in…

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
LED Downlights and Dimmers - My Experience

Only the Brightgreens aren't sealed as they gimble. However they are OK to have the insulation over the top according to the manufacturer. So there would be minimal thermal loss.…

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
LED Downlights and Dimmers - My Experience

I just thought i'll share my experience as a first time builder. With the help of this forum I chose and installed all my own lights and did my own…

  ⋅  2
9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Brightgreen Downlights On Sale!!!

yeah i got the D900 Classics.

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Brightgreen Downlights On Sale!!!

Awesome thanks! Just ordered the D900. I got really excited when I saw the price of the D900+ but they are all 5000K globes.

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

Noticed you have specified LED spot lights. Any ideas what lights are considered spot? What angle beam should I be looking for in a downlight?

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Help me decide on my vinyl floor

Thanks, whilst it goes well against the cabinets colours the colours kind of match but don't. If you get me. I'll upload the white oak photo tonight when i'm home.

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

Thanks. I got one quote of $75m2 laid. Sound about right? These are Perth Prices

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

1960s I was hoping you had some suggestions on my lighting plan. There are a couple of wiring changes I wish I did at prestart but I'll try make do…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

Michelle, are you familiar with the Quick-Step Vinyl planks? I'm interested in the patina oak light white from their essential v4 range. Any thoughts on quality etc? They have a…

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Photos of Karndean Van Gogh In White Washed Oak...

Bump also interested as leaning towards this floor

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Take Two - Calleya - Moved In!

I was impressed with the fencing. Put my application in and the next week it was put up. Must have been good timing

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

Thanks I'll see what the instructions say when they arrive.

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

Thanks for your advice so far on this forum 1960sModernistHome.
I have a quick question. I have ordered some domus down lights from your suggestions. I am installing in a new…

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Help me decide on my vinyl floor

So, my house is finished and I am still yet to decide on vinyl floors.
First off colours. So far these are my favourite 3, but I've just picked up…

9 years9 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

Michelle, I am considering getting some provincial lane vinyl planks installed and would like to know what it is rebranded from?

10 years10 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Take Two - Calleya - Moved In!

Yeah I believe it is sold as the for sale sign has been removed from the house.
It may be a little difficult renting out a house in the estate as…

10 years10 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Take Two - Calleya - Moved In!

I would have expected this house to sell quicker (unless owners are after way over 599)
http://www.realestate.com.au/property-h ... -119323696
438m2 right near the park.
Amazing the real estate…

10 years10 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Take Two - Calleya - Moved In!

Wow that is nuts. Over 43k more than I paid for a 450 block 1 year ago. You would be lucky to complete any decent house under 600k!
I did overhear…

10 years10 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Take Two - Calleya - Moved In!

Anyone have a copy of the latest release prices? Would be interested how much they have increased since release 4.

10 years10 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Our first home with Summit - WIR pics!!

Not that long. They had bricks on the pad about a week and a half after.

10 years10 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Our first home with Summit - WIR pics!!

For a second there this sounded like a post I would have started. I also decided to build after looking at established and nothing really stood out. I'm building in…

10 years10 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Take Two - Calleya - Moved In!

Great to hear. Summit have also been very quick with getting my bricks laid. Similar to you I only had a week from slab down until the bricks were on…

10 years10 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Take Two - Calleya - Moved In!

Well Council mainly.
My plans had to go through Planning first as I had a non-compliant window (Kitchen window too close to boundary fence).
This took around 7 weeks until they approved…

10 years10 yearsquickdrawquickdraw posted:
Take Two - Calleya - Moved In!

Finally Recieved my building permit. It was a long wait (3 months). First for Planning Department, then two goes at building permit.

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