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Joined 14 May 2014
Bronze Member
8 years8 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Did a walk through of my neighbour's new Rawson home, which was a few months behind ours...I have to say, very nice!
V different floor plan for similar size house to…

8 years8 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

we're nearly through with Fair Trading who have been a toothless wonder. We have a few issues - we believe we are owed a significant amount of money as…

8 years8 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Yeah that's what I thought but sometimes when you come across something like that it seems so ridiculous you doubt yourself.
For instance one of my maintenance requests was for…

8 years8 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Hi all, dropping in after a while away, have been quiet as we are going through Fair Trade and now NCAT so can't talk much, but, question for those of…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Hope you all had a good weekend. Ours was soooo busy, no down time. Can’t believe how close Christmas is and how fast this past year has gone.

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Our brick clean left acid stains on all our windows. Our bright white, incredibly expensive windows, which are all now stained with a rusty murky colour all around the windows,…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

So, if anyone has experience dealing with NCAT, would love a PM to discuss.
It seems very stacked against the applicant - for instance I have to furnish all evidence…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Wardrobe installation recommendations

Don't use Blidget!
Quoted me for wardrobes (still had the single shelf installed by builder. They said no prob to build shelving under that. Confirmed several times etc.
Turned up on day…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Thanks VillinaEliters, that's what I thought..
few small issues - poor rendering in a few spots, few cracks on settling, but the window frames really bother me, especially as it suggests…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Hi all, it's been a while..
we've been moved in about a month now...and all going well...
except that after ALL the hassle and expense of M NOT doing an acoustic report,…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Oh...and I was charged for a second air con controller downstairs, but no controller and no wiring! AARGH!!

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Well, we've been in 6 days and the problem list is mounting...
Front door lock is loose/coming out of door
garage door lock has fallen off..
air con system lasted 3 days before…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Well, we've been in 6 days and the problem list is mounting...
Front door lock is loose/coming out of door
garage door lock has fallen off..
air con system lasted 3 days before…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

No time to post photos, but after a big few weeks, driveway is poured, landscaping 90% done, flyscreens and blinds in, lights and fans etc and today was MOVING DAY!!

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Well, just as I am beginning to relax and the pain of dealing with M starts to disappear....a few small irritations...
they're small but on top of everything over this journey..I…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Well, appliance day for us!
Have to say that it was pretty well coordinated and a string of tradies arrived in procession to install air con, set alarm, garage door, etc…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Well, we managed to line up landscaper very well and they started in earnest today getting the backyard levelled, filled and ready for turfing..
Fencing is being removed and redone on…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

From our experience, we needed permission from M for the mid-build inspection, but not for final. Just email your CC.

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

if you ring some of the house inspection businesses up, ask them to send you a sample report, it will give you a feel for how they report.
We used different…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Well, it's all action stations with us...
Had final inspection today with SS and almost everything on our list ticked off, he is going to pop in over next day or…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

VillinaEliters, I hear you on the pendant light spacing...
it should go (from edge) - half space, then first batten, then full space, then next batten, then full space, then next…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Brettbert we just did bamboo downstairs, I looked in our pantry and they took the skirting up, laid the flooring and then reattached the skirting so it looks fine, but…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Oh Redwynne, how annoying! Feels like things slow down to glacial pace sometimes, why can't they just get on top of probs quickly?
Woot MGardz..!
In anticlimactic news, I PICKED UP…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

So you can move in without occupancy certificate? (or interim certificate?)

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

VillinaEliters, that would do my head in !! So obviously not a match...
ggml....the mind boggles, how many times the wrong bricks??
Have seen a bit of activity on site as they…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

We got charged $1200 to change to 900mm separate stove and stovetop, but we're under the old supplier Baumatic...

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Feel like we are all getting some progress...loving everyone's pictures and updates...even if it just loos!
Update from SS was that they spent the week working on defects and flooring booked…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

we got quotes from DemoCorp and State Demolition. Ended up using DemoCorp as we were told they tended to leave the site a bit neater.
They did a good site…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Can anyone give me an idea of how long landscaping should take ? As a guide, we have fencing (about 100m), 12m of retaining timber wall along the back, leveling…

9 years9 yearsR2D2R2D2 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

We used DemoCorp for demolition.
You can get sprung with additional demo costs, most charge about the same but are really bad at telling you up front what extra costs…

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