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351 Posts
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Joined 8 January 2013
Gold Member
11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
South @ Seaford Meadows

+1 sprinkler problem

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
South @ Seaford Meadows

thank you guys tristam, _lucinda
think I can ask council for their contact details and then send owners a "notice". But the outcome is not yet clear. I remember when our…

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
South @ Seaford Meadows

Hi all
it's been a while since we moved in and life hasn't stopped after that!!! ::lol:: just chances to escape the corporate treadmill became much…

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

wonderful progress HA!! ::
View from the balcony is to die for ::smile::
keeping fingers crossed for you too

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)

cleaning, landscaping, fencing, junk removal, pendants, blinds etc etc so much to do
and did I say ..cleaning :th:
apparently the bigger the house the more…

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)

We have moved in! ::smile::
The moving exercise took 7.5 hours and we are still unpacking boxes...!!!! ::wornout:: I never…

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Frozenkuku's build: Lightsview terrace - moved in - photo

gorgeous tiles
look very elegant

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Modified Fairmont Geneva (SA)- Keys!!!

look absolutely gorgeous ::kiss::
very jealous of your rangehood :oops:

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
_lucinda's house

very good progress lucinda
cannot wait to see it rendered

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
_lucinda's house

I like the size of your windows in family area and in the bedroom. It's good to have a lot of natural light which you can always block out if…

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
building modified glendale with M

looking great!
lots of storage
love the outdoor tiles

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
_lucinda's house

great progress lucinda ::smile::
I cannot believe how quick it all happened, from slab to 3d
looking forward to see more pictures!

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)

thank you those who are still following our thread lol
this week painting continued, drainage done and stormwater have been connected, flyscreens installed and some other minor things all we…

Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)
11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Frozenkuku's build: Lightsview terrace - moved in - photo

this WIR is really spacious where you can actually "walk" in there not just step in ::smile::
well done

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

oh what a relief ::smile:: thank you HomeAngels

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

*like* home angels ::smile::
glad you showed the pictures, now I have a question !
we selected similar kitchen tap because of its shape but there…

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

would love to see pictures of taps and showers :P
I still remember how our mortgage broker told us before the selections "just don't select…

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)

The house is coming along well, painting has started a bit late and will take a couple of weeks. It could be much quicker if we would have picked one…

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Modified Fairmont Geneva (SA)- Keys!!!

Congratulations! ::
exciting time
hope that water and gas are all sorted for you
oh and internet too!

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Modified Fairmont Geneva (SA)- Keys!!!

sorry noticed your post re pci too late
I have a wonderful list of things to check, I could have sent it to you
Anyway, how was it? any news?

11 years11 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

if I would have a store room this size I'd probably go buy groceries only once in a year lol ::lol::

12 years12 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Metricon Mt Barker Build @ The Grove - Finally Ours

hey Davelle just found your post with selections!
love love love everything, especially door handles, doors, flooring and kitchen benchtop, all great choices ::kiss::
we also…

12 years12 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

look what a fabulous view you have!! the person on the photo looks like he is standing on the top of the universe ;-) it is…

12 years12 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)

thank you guys ::smile::
today my husband met tilers on site (rare chance to sneak inside and take photos ::lol::

12 years12 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Frozenkuku's build: Lightsview terrace - moved in - photo

look very modern
cannot wait to see it all finished :)

12 years12 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)

thanks everyone !
it's a bit hard to picture the finished look when walls not painted yet, no floors etc
but I was thinking about this poster ::smile::

12 years12 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Our house by the beach - NOR Perth

nice pool!!! wish we had one

12 years12 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)

to be honest.. I didn't expect it to be so reflective ::lol:: not quite sure if it's good or not yet
we've got two huge windows…

12 years12 yearsRagnarsWifeRagnarsWife posted:
Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)

we've got the splashback :z:

color is dulux "hot embers"

Custom loft with Format in SA- Moved in and happy :-)

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South @ Seaford Meadows
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