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36 Posts
Junior Member

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Joined 31 July 2017
Junior Member
3 years3 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
HEBEL help??? Pros and Cons, need to make a decision!!!

Having Hebel does not affect the roof. Roof is either colour bond or tiles.
So there is nothing that affects the installation of solar panels and colour bond or tiles is…

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Evaporative Cooling / Gas heating vs Refrigerated cooling

Hmm yeah. Solar does helps.

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Evaporative Cooling / Gas heating vs Refrigerated cooling

So that's both heating and cooling on electric??
How's that going? Is efficiency same as gas heating? I have heard gas heating is better than electric heating. How does it…

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Evaporative Cooling / Gas heating vs Refrigerated cooling

Ok . Right. Something to think of.
Also it will be a rental property initially so will have to think how many split to install. One in living and one…

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Gas heating + Refrigerated cooling or Split air con

I am building a single storey 18-19sq home in Woodlea, Melbourne.
I am confused between:
Electric heating and electric cooling vs
Gas heating and gas cooling vs
Gas heating and split air con.

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Evaporative Cooling / Gas heating vs Refrigerated cooling

I have the same question.. Can I ask what did u land up getting done?
I am confused between:
Electric heating and electric cooling vs gas heating and refrigerated cooling vs gas…

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Troubles of a North Facing Block

right. i can imagine... we figured we will have veryy less amount of time in the day having east sun and hence we finalised having our kitchen and living in…

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Troubles of a North Facing Block

no. at small builder. We have finalised having west facing living/ kitchen.

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Troubles of a North Facing Block

oh where is that?

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Troubles of a North Facing Block

Oh ok . Is urs a corner block? Mine is not.
I thought being in the middle might cut out the sun a bit
I am actually a sun lover so…

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Woodlea land valuation

oh wow..
I am building Stage 42 and mine titles in Feb21. For now the woddleas sales have said its on track. I would feel the Woodlea sales would have…

4 years4 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Troubles of a North Facing Block

We have bought a block of land in Woodlea (West of Melbourne) with a North front and South rear. I know this is the least ideal orientation (as I have…

5 years5 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Woodlea land valuation

Hi all,
My husband and I planning to buy a land in woodlea estate. Stage 42, Aintree. This settles in 2021 April. Any reviews about the estate, land valuation and…

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Actron ESP vs Actron Add on

Was Optima your private installer.?

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Actron ESP vs Actron Add on

Joker, In terms of insulation, What insulation (R= ??) did you use
We are building with Hebel and already asked my builder for double glaze quote. So just wondering how would…

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Actron ESP vs Actron Add on

Thanks Joker.
As being in Melbourne, Heating is the priority and dont know how much reverse cycle will cost to heat the whole house.
could you please tell us about Actron…

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Actron ESP vs Actron Add on

Hello All
Building new house in Melbourne metro north. If someone could tell more about how Actron ESP plus is performing in real winter (May-August). I am planning to consider Add…

RC56 followed:
7 years7 years
7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Evaporative cooling vs Split system

Very well explained.. Thanks. It was good to read a bit of the history to this ongoing issue.

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Evaporative cooling vs Split system

So finally we had our electrical appointment yesterday. it went well and expensive too :)
With the confusion on evap vs split we landed up going for…

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Evaporative cooling vs Split system

Thanks guys. For all your replies. It really helps.
Just a random question. Any idea how many split generally required for a family size- 4.83 x 7.00m
I am more worried because…

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Evaporative cooling vs Split system

Is that expensive?? to have both evap and split?
how does the split work cost wise?

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Melbourne Evaporative Cooling or do we Upgrade?

I have the same concern.. I am building similar size house and we have our electrical appointment next week. My friends and work colleagues suggest its no point as they…

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Evaporative cooling vs Split system

My husband and I are building Delta 25S with Metricon in Melbourne. We recently had our colors appointment and next week we have our electrical appointment.
We are stuck with…

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Home Security

Great Advise.
Will Consider while construction only.
Would you recommend any private Home security installer.?

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Ceiling Height 2550 with Higher door

Hello All,
There is a confusion within us. We have already put 2770 ceiling in our estimate with Metricon. Now we just came to know that 2770 will be confirmed based…

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Home Security

What is recommended for home security
during construction or post handover.?

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Travelling Overseas during the Construction

Honest opinions please.. Sarcasm not invited.

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Travelling Overseas during the Construction

Thanks all for your suggestions.
It really helps.
PAt this stage we are not sure what stage the construction will be at the time of our travel. Since the land…

7 years7 yearsRC56RC56 posted:
Travelling Overseas during the Construction

Hello All,
Could someone share their experience or provide information in case we have to go overseas for 2-3 weeks where house is like almost 60% ready. Does it impact on…

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31 July 2017

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