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426 Posts
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Joined 27 August 2005
Gold Member
6 years6 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Links- Benchtops

If you are curious about Caesarstone prices (per slab and per square metre) then check out this

6 years6 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
How to buy kitchen cabinets from China?

Both contain formaldehyde :shock:

6 years6 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Replacing internal cabinet shelves

Some Bunnings stores have vertical panel saws and will cut melamine to your dimensions

6 years6 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
How to buy kitchen cabinets from China?

You most definitely want to use HMR (high moisture resistance) particle board. 16mm thickness is more than adequate.

6 years6 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Kitchen layout help

The only place is the island. You will need to close the windows if the breeze is too strong.

8 years8 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Bench height

Yes, my 16 yr old son is taller than me. My previous kitchen's benchtop height was 1050 mm.

8 years8 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Cupboards Or Drawers?

Drawers, drawers, drawers! You never have to reach in and try to pull things out (with the cupboard doors hindering you). Full extension drawers deliver all of the contents of…

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Bench height

I'm 1830 mm (6') tall and my benchtop height is 1000 mm off the floor

8 years8 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Small Kitchen Design Ideas and Tips

All of those kitchens looked quite large!

8 years8 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Is a standard depth (300mm) undermount rangehood enough?

It's better to have a wider rangehood than the cooktop

8 years8 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Kitchen design- ideas appreciated.

Your cooktop might be better placed on the bench adjacent your wall oven and then move your sink up to where your cooktop was originally. That way your .

8 years8 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Upper cabinetry depth

The best way would be to split the height of the overheads and have the extreme uppers 600mm deep

11 years11 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Is this diamond gloss laminate join acceptable?

Of course it is not acceptable. I was only pointing out the general industry guidelines.
The underside of the benchtop is a dogs breakfast! The benchtop joiner cutouts do not align…

11 years11 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Is this diamond gloss laminate join acceptable?

The recommended joint width for laminate is 0 mm with a maximum variation of +1 mm.

11 years11 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
quality check of cabinet install

You should not be able to see the small scratches and dents at a minimum distance of 1500 millimetres under normal lighting conditions.

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Show me your Two Tone Kitchen

I love the clerestory windows ::cool::

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Advice required with our outdoor kitchen

You definitely need a vertical support panel RHS of the fridge space. However, by adding the panel, it will reduce the internal width of the fridge space.
Also, is that the…

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Sink facing window and not in island bench.

If your kitchen is small I wouldn't worry about having a sink in the island. If your kitchen is large and your cumulative distance exceeds 7 metres, consider having…

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Kitchen benchtop height

A good rule of thumb is elbow height minus your clenched fist. (so that elbow joint sits on top of forefinger and thumb)
Here is a kitchen I designed and built…

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Rangehood height above cooktop

Take a look at these as well as (in particular AS4386.2 Domestic Kitchen Assemblies – Installation) to get an understanding. These are minimum standards but you must install…

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Has anybody bought a kitchen from a TASTE store in Sydney?

I went there about one year ago. I don't know what the differences are but I do know that the Hacker kitchen on display at Brookvale has an awesome …

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Door Materials

Please tell us more about these galvanized steel reinforced panels that you think are the best choice.

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Rangehood distance from cooktop

It sounds too low to me. Take a look at these as well as (in particular AS4386.2 Domestic Kitchen Assemblies – Installation) to get an understanding. These are…

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Show me your rubbish!

That looks like an Australian Kimberley 30 litre concealed waste bin. Definitely good value for money @ $165 and much cheaper than the Franke, Hafele or Blanco bins.

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Door Materials

Be very careful with vinyl doors.
I have been to countless kitchens where the vinyl has de-laminated from the door substrate after 8-10 years.
Problem areas are...
Doors / panels either side of…

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Kitchen layout

I would place the sink (scullery) in the middle of the bench.

12 years12 yearsrenomartrenomart posted:
Blum blumotion soft door closers...

The piston adapts automatically to the force applied to it. If you are going to use them make sure you drill the 10mm hole the exact depth of the…



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