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269 Posts
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269PostsMost Active Topics


Melbourne, Victoria
Joined 17 August 2007
Silver Member
11 years11 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
OB Spreadsheet - available online

Hello to all, I am happy to share my spreadsheet from years ago, it is still user friendly and may be a good starting point. It is actually more of…

12 years12 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
OB Spreadsheet - available online

Hi Andrew, I just emailed you the spreadsheet, keep in mind though that the prices on that sheet are now 3 years old! All the best

14 years14 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
OB Spreadsheet - available online

Hello everyone, it's been great to be able to assist so many of you by sending you the spreadsheet. I get at least 1 or 2 PM requests per month…

15 years15 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
OB Spreadsheet - available online

Hi Everyone, if you need this spreadsheet, PM me with your email address and I will gladly send it.

15 years15 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Insurance for Owner Builder

Hi Mike
if you do a search on insurance in this forum you will see that this topic has been covered off already with some detail last year.

15 years15 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
how long oh how long to finish your build

Dear Farmerswife
We have been living in our beautiful OB home for the past 8 & a half months...old house demo'd in July 08, slab poured in Sept 08, moved in…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Our Owner Build adventure!

Hi - thanks for the compliment re the floors...they are Tassie Oak with semi gloss polish. We love them and they are (along with the kitchen and ensuite shower!) my…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Need plumber/plumbing quotes for pre-slab stage??

Give my plumber a call - he is pretty reliable and does a good job. Tell him I recommended him to you.
Dave Vick Pro Finish Plumbing
m: 0417 546…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Our Owner Build adventure!

I'm back - only very quickly though as time is precious these days (especially when both kids are asleep!) I'm sure most of you understand!
We had a baby boy…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
OB Spreadsheet - available online

Hi Loretta - I keep a diary (just a simple 2009 calendar) where I put all my appointments with tradies, the times they are due to start - finish etc…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Roller blinds

we have gone with double roller blinds for the whole house - very modern and stylish look... the E-screen (installed inside the window architrave) will be in a beige and…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
OB Spreadsheet - available online

just a quick note to let all know that we are less than four weeks from moving in and yes - we are on/under budget...things have creeped a bit in…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
About to step off the edge......

:z: Glad things are moving along for you Chris, look forward to seeing your frame go up so you can forget all about your slab woes!!…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
1st time ob what a ride

Oh and another bonus - think of all the money you will save and all the wonderful things you will be able to buy for the house!!

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
1st time ob what a ride

::cheerleader:: ::cheerleader:: :: :z:
Congratulations on the non smoking Shelley !!…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
WOO HOO....guess who's got a kitchennnnnn!!!!!

Suh its fantastic! Your drawers look great!! I can't wait to see the finished product!

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Interior colours chosen... am I crazy?!!!

SuH - the carpet is Banyan, it feels lovely and has a nice pattern to it without going over the top...

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Interior colours chosen... am I crazy?!!!

Thanks for your nice comments everyone...I really didn't think the first post did the colours justice - especially the green! I am exited now and can't wait to post the…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Interior colours chosen... am I crazy?!!!

Ok I decided to take a picture of my samples as I didn't think the web images reflected very well the actual colours....

Donuts- cabinets are being made as I type…

Interior colours chosen... am I crazy?!!!
16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Interior colours chosen... am I crazy?!!!

It's too late now to change - its done and dusted...bought and ordered...I have not posted here until then because I was scared of second guessing my choices so now…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:

Good luck with your handover and it really is up to you how you approach the defects and if you are happy to live with them that way for as…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Tiles - How much did you spend?

FYI - we bought our tiles this weekend from Tile Mart and spent $2311:
* 41sqm of 40x40 australian made glazed porcelain tiles for floor and walls in wet areas only…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Franke sinks

Hey Mozzie - we just bought the exact same Esprit kitchen sink from E & S Trading - they are having an exclusive sale on these, they seem to…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Site Loo - when should I take it away?

Hi All
I hope the nature of this query doesn't offend anyone's sensitivities.......
We are currently paying $166 per month for the site loo :shock: ...it is pretty…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Foam underlay vs. rubber [Dunlop vsBridgestone ]

Thanks Rastus, appreciate your input and advice on the forum thus far!

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Foam underlay vs. rubber [Dunlop vsBridgestone ]

Thanks for your honest post Rastus.
We have chosen our carpet (to go in 4 med- large bedrooms and large formal lounge) It is a Tuftmaster Solution Dyed Nylon sculptured…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Specification booklet

sutto -
as wake_me says, the specifications are included as part of your working drawings and in general should be supplied by whoever finalised your plans ( your draftsperson/architect/…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
Specification booklet

who are you submitting to? Is this for your building permit?

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:
They stuffed up my slab!!!

hi Chris, I second Tony's comments - completely agree that the dranos should not have done any of the profiling. We paid $140 for a professional to do the set…

16 years16 yearsrerob1rerob1 posted:

Good point Stonecutter, please don't tell hubby though- I REALLY REALLY want one!! :wink: :wink:
For interests sake, here is their…



Hi All,
I have been a "stalker" on this forum for over a month now and am taking the plunge and posting for the first time!
This is a fantastic…

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