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140 Posts
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Morley, Western Australia
Joined 19 June 2006
Senior Member
10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Need to move some palms Will they last in pots for 8 months?

In terms of some better palms this link has pictures of one of my red frond palms growing in my backyard here in Perth.
http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthrea ... =red+frond

10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Need to move some palms Will they last in pots for 8 months?

The best thing you can do to the Cocos palm is to dig it out and get rid of it entirly. They are really a noxious weed. As…

10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
large front wall quote

Why don't you get other quotes to compare.

10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Goji Berry Plant

Ok Fu Manchu so as this post is now 6 years old did/have Goji Berry vine/tree get planted and if so has it fruited here in Perth.

10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:

I owner/built my house in 2004 using Rmax EPS panels (75mm thick) to steel framed. To date there has never been a problem.

10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
$2500 for Builder to do Front and Back Garden

So what did you do?
Just what exactly was the builder going to do?

10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Plug screw holes second hand colorbond

Use Selley's Roof and Gutter silicon sealant in a matching colorbond colour.

10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Foxtail Palm Seeds

Thanks for that Stewie.

10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Foxtail Palm Seeds

I have two Foxtail palms, both are around 18 years old, one has a 4 metre high trunk and is in the front garden and the other has a 2…

10 years10 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
What is this Weed in my Empire Zoysia lawn?

Trace the stems back to the central stork and pull them out. Yes it may be/seem impractical/time consuming if you have lots but it really is the only way.

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Toddler danger with Cape Lilac??

All those berries want to grow into trees as well.
If you have the tree removed for god's sake don't let the tree fellers just chip up all of the timber.…

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Termites in the garden - Perth

As termites are moving through the ground all the time then don't do nothing, except for checking that there are no mud tunnels running up from the ground on the…

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Need a Tree

Weeping Mulberry.

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
New lawn on acreage

Whatever you're comfortable with but something like 300mm to 400mm spacing and you keep it de-weeded buy pulling them out before they have a chance to sprout throw new seed.…

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
New lawn on acreage

Buy a couple of rolls or two of Sir Walter cut then up into 50x50mm squares or pull apart for the runners and plant out. You'll soon have lawn…

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Polystyrene Wall Thickness and Material Recommendations

I used 75mm thick foam sheets from Rmax when i built my house about 7 years ago.

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Remove paint from cement slab before tiling

Hire a water pressure/blaster.

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Grass wont grow

Dig it out and plant a decent lawn.

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Spray Kikuyu out of Zoysia Lawn?

The only successful way to kill kikuyu is to dig it out and ensure underground bits are removed as well otherwise they'll regrow.

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Cheapest Turf in Melbourne

If you can't scrounge runners and have to buy then buy 1 or 2 square metres and cut into 50mm square tuffs and plant it will quickly cover.

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Killing off weeds on building site

Pull them out by hand and don't waste money with chemicals.

11 years11 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
What palm tree would suit this location and climate?

Don't ever plant cocos palms. Not only are they non self cleaning and remain ratty they produce large seed pods with 100's of seeds and every seed wants to…

12 years12 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
What's wrong with my nature strip?

My lawn goes like that after I've urinated on it for awhile.

12 years12 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
new vegie patch

It may seem like a dum question but whats the weed mat for?

12 years12 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Cherry Tree for Perth metro

Hi, I'm after advise on and if there is/are suitable Cherry trees that will fruit if grown in the Perth metro area (given our mild climate)?
Thanks in advance

12 years12 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Pricing for turf

Further to what was said above, but 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 square metres of Sir Walter then cut it up into 50mm squares and plant them out,…

12 years12 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Palms for resort style landscape

Couple of suggestions, Foxtail palm and the Red leaf (frond) palm. When the red leaf produces a new frond it is very nice red colour and then turns brown…

12 years12 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Re-doing frontyard to combat weeds - feedback please!

The wind is one of the main movers of seeds be they weeds or not. No matter that you do you will always have a weed problem. So keep…

12 years12 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
Strawberry Runners

My Strawberry plants are starting to send out runners. So my question is when do I cut the runners off and plant in their own right?

13 years13 yearsRod1949Rod1949 posted:
How close to plant palm trees to fence

Have you given any consderation to frond and eventually seed drop over the next door fence?

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19 June 2006

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