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Joined 10 July 2016
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6 years6 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Cupboard door gaps

Thanks all for your feedback. Gives me a bit of comfort. I sent pics to the supervisor who agreed it wasn’t the best quality work and would be fixed. The…

6 years6 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Is there a tolerance for gap between skirting and wall?

I’m not sure about what the tolerances are but that last picture looks horrible and is not reflective of skew walls, but poor workmanship on the part of your skirting…

6 years6 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

Things are starting to take shape. We received our fit our invoice recently. Here are some progress pics

6 years6 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Cupboard door gaps

I’m building with Henley and the kitchen and vanities were installed last week. Overall look and colorscheme looks nice, but the quality of workmanship is poor. Vanities are showing a…

6 years6 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

It’s 2.7m

6 years6 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

I’ve basically dropped off the grid for a bit as have a new job and have been swept up in that.
It’s been 16 months since we paid our first…

6 years6 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Building an Aegean230 with Mainvue.


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7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Building an Aegean230 with Mainvue.

Looking good despite the issues! Will be fantastic when it’s done. Like how your bedroom recess turned out!

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7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

The problems have been fixed! I must say that Henley have started to lift their game on their customer service. From being pretty abysmal up until a few months ago,…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

Yeah. Before the frame went up it felt tiny compared to the display. With the frame up it feels a lot bigger now - we also have extra-high ceilings downstairs…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

There are some concerning engineering issues which have been noted and are being fixed by them, but require some engineering reports and sign off...

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

So things have moved along at a pretty fair pace since Henley got on site. Here are some pics of progress

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Building an Aegean230 with Mainvue.

Very exciting!! House is looking amazing. 9 days to go!

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7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Congratulations!! Such an exciting moment. Who would think at the start that muddy dogs running through your house is something you’d look forward to .
Well done for persevering and…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Building an Aegean230 with Mainvue.

Aaaargh!! Sucks about the shower heads. Your bathrooms look fabulous though.
Have a few mates who’ve moved in before all the minor issues were fixed and it took months as…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Reserve Aegean 45 KDR

Hi Dimitri
Just came across your thread. Looking forward to seeing your plans and Colour selections. Keep us updated on your progress

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

Our block is 609sqm - 15.2 x 40

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Building an Aegean230 with Mainvue.

Glad to see you could work out a good solution!
Is there still enough to accommodate e.g. a king bed?

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

Thanks Rachael. Slab was poured yesterday and my SS contacted me this morning to say that framing will commence within the next week.
Hachi...KDRs just takes longer. It seems that the…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Back after a long no-progress hiatus. This is a ridiculous!! Ever feel like the universe is conspiring against you?
Hang in there - you’re nearly done. Your home is looking…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

So, I’ve been hiding from his site, mainly due to the complete lack of progress.
Something went wrong and it took Henley 3 months (!!) after contract signing to get…

Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside
7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Building Mainvue Aegean430 - 45sq in Berwick Waters

Congratulations! Your house looks fabulous. Can understand your frustrations, but it’s almost behind you now. Only 2 weeks to go!!

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

That’s a really nice design. Space for a mirror on the wall too!
We’ve also decided to install wardrobes post-handover and the primary reason is that the Henley design isn’t…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

Wow. $13.9k is a huge kick in the teeth! My quote seems comparably cheap.
We thought it would never be as high as it was as we’d already upgraded the…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

Been a busy week. Mortgage to be signed next week Tuesday and plans have had energy assessment. Henley want $8600 to do double glazing across most of the house. seems…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Been off the forum for a few days....great news!! Congrats! The timing of ending rent is a bit tricky in case you have some inspection issues. I’ve heard that getting…

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

You won’t be alone...did dry Feb just to make sure I wasn’t drowning my sorrows! Didn’t help my agro much :)

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7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Hope it goes well tomorrow. 🤜🏻.
That’s a great point! My neighbor and I are on very good terms and he’s happy for that so need to communicate with Henley.

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Second that comment. That’s a slap-dash shortcut.

7 years7 yearsSAFA1SAFA1 posted:
Henley Aegean 38 - KDR in Bayside

Yeah. Lots of hurry up and wait. At least the process was communicated up front. First was the new site and soil survey (2weeks + 1 as my CRM confirmed…

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