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Joined 6 May 2020
Junior Member
2 years2 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Building with Metricon – Vantage 44 + Granny - in West Penna

Good to see your build is progressing. Nothing more frustrating then to wait and wait for things to resume. Good weather ahead so you should get more progress done. Keep…

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2 years2 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Porter Davis in liquidation

This is terrible news. 1700 projects left unfinished! The Gov needs to step in. This industry cannot be left unregulated.

2 years2 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Final Inspection and Final Payment Rights

What kind of issues were they?

2 years2 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Replacing a fence during construction

Thanks guys!

2 years2 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Replacing a fence during construction

Has anyone replaced a boundary fence during construction? One of my boundary fences is so old it is falling apart with partial loss of privacy for my neighbour. I…

2 years2 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Independent stage building inspection recommendation

I am using Landmark inspections in Sydney. I got them to do a pre-slab inspection and they can also do a piering inspection.

2 years2 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Construction manager keeps changing

This appears to be common issue in Metricon. We are 11 months into the build with M and were recently advised our second SS has moved internally within M and…

2 years2 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
a tap in balcony?

I've had a tap added on the balcony as well. It will make it easy to clean and a balcony will anyways have a drain.
I wonder why your builder…

2 years2 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Metricon sacks majority of NSW sales staff

Not surprised. They need to focus on completing the existing pipeline. In the current environment new contracts/deposits for builders is slumping so keeping so many sales staff is a loss.…

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3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

Hi Simeon
Thanks for confirming.
I figured it was a mistake to have those particleboards in wet area in the first place as I was reading these things swell up when…

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

Hi Simeon, when using Red Tongue flooring in wet areas do you cement sheet it too or is simply waterproofing over it sufficient?

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Building inspector recommendation in Sydney

Items below that require attention:
Seal the gaps between edge and sliding door frames.
Capping drainage points not done for one or more points - risk of debris falling in there
Some walls…

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Building inspector recommendation in Sydney

I am currently using Landmark inspections. They have an option for each stage including pre slab and piering. The main issue I face is getting the builder to rectify the…

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
CDC House size

Hi Taneetan, you should read the maximum gross floor area rules under CDC. Not just that but you should know allowable setbacks front and back. CDC is very strict.

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Disgruntled with Metricon and Pre-Site Manager process

Yep building with Metricon in Sydney. Just began lockup stage. I've been chasing them for the last 2 weeks to get the defects fixed as per my last inspectors report.…

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Disgruntled with Metricon and Pre-Site Manager process

Well good thing you got your inspectors checking everything. Get them to fix it and take photographic evidence
On the positive side looks like you are closer to finishing off. I…

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Disgruntled with Metricon and Pre-Site Manager process

Looks like shaker cabinetry and possibly woodworks defect. Why would this happen from the sun? Perhaps humidity is a culprit? Where are you building?

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Building with Metricon

No notices. I was just told there was too much rain, wet conditions, contractors not able to come due to flooding, contractor had covid etc etc
However during the same…

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Building with Metricon

After months of delay there has been progress on my build in the last few weeks. I've put some of my milestones below:
Site cut 27 Jan 22
Piering 01 Feb 22

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Builder pushing for payment before defect rectifications

who are you building with?
did you hire an independent inspector?
What did the inspection report say about severity of defects?

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Builder is increasing the price

How big is your house (SQM)?
It will come down to the contract you have signed with your builder. Are they open to negotiating with you?

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
CDC approval time

Hi Simeon
It was a very frustrating process when they introduced this portal last year. However, I recall the CDC was issued in around 4.5weeks.

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Metricon Inclusions/Exclusions

Canehopper, I am not surprised they have raised the base cost due to whats happening in the industry in terms of supply shortage and labour. My base price quote is…

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Building with Metricon – Vantage 44 + Granny - in West Penna

Hi Ramesh, I would be wary on the scheduled dates you have there. I would say the biggest dependencies on your construction start date will be obtaining Council approval and…

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Disgruntled with Metricon and Pre-Site Manager process

I know your pain.
We were stuck in pre-site for almost a year due to mistake after mistake made in the plans and with 3 psms changed within months. I recommend…

3 years3 yearsSamz_TurraSamz_Turra posted:
Putting off new build due to inflation

I don't think prices will stabilise anytime soon - atleast not this year.
Have a read on this article that talks about why Condev and Probuild defaulted.

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6 May 2020

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